How To Be A Pickup Artist – Without Being A Creepy Dude…

There’s been a lot of publicity about “pickup artists” and how to be a pickup artist over the last few years. Ever since Neil Strauss’ book The Game hit the best seller lists, guys everywhere want to know how to be a pickup artist.

Well, I’m going to explain the three steps you can take to be a pickup artist. And not only attract women like a pickup artist – but beat him at his own game.

Why would you want to do more than just be a pickup artist?

Consider this: What you learn from a pickup artist is how to IMITATE the behaviors of a guy who knows how to attract women. What you will discover with this method is how to BE the man who attracts women – with no acting or sneaky tricks or manipulation. So why would you settle for being an actor when you can be the REAL deal?

How to be a pickup artist – Strategy #1: Avoid the “Identity”  of the pickup artist…

What I mean by this is that there is nothing wrong with learning to improve your skills with women. In fact, it’s probably one of the noblest things a man can do. This creates a “win-win” situation where you get to date the attractive women you meet, and she gets a man who understands what women want in a man – and he gives it to her.

But there is a trap that some guys fall into of buying all the cool pickup artists clothes, and using all the same pickup artist openers that women have all heard by now. They imagine the pickup artist like some kind of superhero with super powers that they can become at will.

I have to tell you right now that I can spot these guys a mile away, and so can women. Unfortunately, most guys want this success with women so desperately that they jump head-first right into the role of the pickup artist. They end up looking like they’re trying too hard – and that is actually one of the big mistakes.

The most effective pickup artist is the one that isn’t making this a whole costume party and identity makeover. He knows that in order to really attract hot women, you have to fly UNDER her radar by just being yourself – but with a pickup artist sensibility that understands how the game is played – and won.

How to be a pickup artist – Strategy #2: Being a true pickup artist means you have no switch…

This technique is related to the last one. When guys try to be this ultimate pickup artist, they start to imagine that this skill of attracting women is something they can turn off and on at will. In fact, if you try to do this, you will cause even more damage to your confidence over the long run.

Here’s what happens…

If you imagine that you have this “other” identity of a pickup artist that you “turn on” when you need it, this only reinforces to your subconscious mind that you are usually NOT this guy. In other words, you are programming yourself to believe that you are not naturally attractive to women, and for you to do this, you have to change into your pickup artist alter-ego.

Because what happens most of the time is that you simply don’t want to use the canned material and have to fight your own fear and reluctance to approach and meet women. The secret to being a true pickup artist is not trying to switch this off and on at will. The true pickup artist doesn’t see himself as an “approacher” only when he gets himself into the role. He’s a pickup artist 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

When you make the pickup artist become YOU (instead of the other way around) – you realize that you can be yourself without any manipulative games AND be attractive to women. And when you understand how this works, you’ll also feel more comfortable with yourself. Because if there’s anything that turns off a woman more it’s a guy that’s trying to NOT be himself.

She will smell your deception.

How to be a pickup artist – Strategy #3: Avoid the pickup artist “get” mentality…

If there’s one element that will get you more success with women than you know what to do with, it’s getting tricked into thinking that the pickup artist game is a “get” game. As in, how to GET more from women. After all, aren’t they the ones that are trying to keep you from GETTING what you want?

GETTING a phone number…

GETTING a kiss…

GETTING a date…

GETTING intimate with her…

It all seems like a big game of trying to sneak and trick your way into getting your goals. But the reality is that dating hot women and being an honorable pickup artist is all about the GIVE. No, I’m not talking about the giving of favors in exchange for hers, like buying drinks and dinner in the hopes that she will give you some.

What I’m talking about is GIVING her a fun time…

GIVING her a moment of escape from her boring life…

GIVING her an intelligent and masculine man – not just a pickup artist – that can turn her inner furnace up to the boiling point.

The next time you’re in a conversation with a woman and you’re wondering how to talk to women so they will respond to you, just forget about what you think you’re there to GET from her. Instead, just give her a moment where she can feel good about herself, and you’ll find that this is 90% of the pickup artist game. (And you don’t even have to BE a pickup artist to win it!)

Give her a sincere compliment… And also give her a little tease to let her know you aren’t intimidated and emasculated by women.

And you’ll succeed in becoming the kind of pickup artist that most women never meet – a genuine and powerful Alpha Man.

Look, the other gurus out there will teach you the superficial parts of how to be a pickup artist. They can only teach you the empty techniques of how to attract women. They will give you pickup lines to use and pickup artist routines you can memorize – but it will always be empty and awkward for you to use. You’ll always feel like you’re “not being yourself” around women, and it will feel unnatural.

Instead of being a fake pickup artist, you can be the kind of man that pickup artists only wish they could be – the authentic man that women desire most of all. And you’ll never have to settle for the label of a pickup artist when you seduce more than attractive women – you will get the respect – and maybe just a little envy – from your buddies and peers.

And if you want to get the complete roadmap of how to go from home alone to how to meet and attract the sexy girlfriend of your dreams, then you need to learn how to talk to women with my home study program. It’s fast, easy, and guaranteed to get you from no women to wherever you want to be in just a few weeks.

Date as many women as you want – for as long as YOU want.

It’s up to you…

Go download your copy here: How to Talk To Women – FAST & EASY

Talk soon…

Wishing you confidence and success with women – With HONOR and integrity.

How To Be A Pickup Artist   Without Being A Creepy Dude...  dating tips for guys

PS: You might be reading this right now, just happy to be entertained with the information I’m sharing. But I want more than this for you.

I want you to get REAL results with women.

Stop pretending everything is “fine.”

Stop walking away from situations that make you nervous – like approaching a woman, or asking her out.

Stop letting the outside world stop you from being the man you want to be…

Really, the time for denial and mediocrity is over.

Make a decision that today is the day things will change forever for you.

Go here now and learn how to make that change:

CLICK HERE: How to Talk To Women

female body language