4 Ways To Be the Man That Women CRAVE

Try making decisions without hesitating too much. For instance, have a definite plan in mind BEFORE asking her out.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t accommodate her own needs (e.g. moving the date to Friday instead of Thursday, not ordering fish tacos if she’s allergic to seafood, etc.).

However, it does make a huge difference if you’ve got the basic details sorted out beforehand. This will make you look like the guy who’s in control and has his act together.

Attract Women

#2: Avoid Pandering to Her Ego – Patience is Key

If you use bribes in the form of gifts, freebies and other material stuff just to get an “audience” with a woman, then you’ve already lost the high ground.

Premature and over-the-top affection – along with attempts to “butter her up” – is essentially hitting the nuclear option. It simply gives up the game too soon, and everybody loses.

Remember, TIMING is a crucial factor to not looking weak or needy. Give her attention (via flirting and teasing), but don’t think that spoiling her like a princess is going to sweeten the deal.

Cats won’t chase a ball of yarn if you put it in their lap. They will, however, give chase if you dangle the string just out of reach and make them work for it.

Hey, you might tell me you’re a generous guy who likes treating women right, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Just make sure you don’t do it right away.

Let her wait a few weeks and allow the intrigue to do the work for you. Build enough romantic tension first so she’ll feel like she had to earn your affectionate, gift-giving side.

#3: Learn to TALK Like an Alpha Male

Part of crafting a masculine image has a lot to do with HOW you talk to women, and not just what you tell them. You could have the best opener in the world and still mess it up if your delivery indicates any weakness or hesitation.

Ever notice how guys tend to speak higher and faster when they’re feeling insecure?

Like we talked about earlier, this is one of those urges men have when they’re in a certain situation. The best solution is by making a habit of identifying this behavior, then REPLACING it with another one instead.

When you feel that “need” to talk fast with a higher pitch, make a conscious effort to slow down and talk lower. It’s a quick way to keep yourself from getting your words jumbled up and sounding unsure of yourself.


#4: Be Willing to Take Risks

No one got to where they wanted to be without hitting a few potholes or taking a wrong turn along the way. The process of being attractive to women is built on LEARNING from your mistakes – there’s no way around it.

That’s why you will inevitably screw up every now and then; it’s simply part of becoming better at dating women. Here’s a thought: why don’t you try approaching a girl and talking to her without caring about what ultimately happens?

I’m NOT telling you to be intentionally offensive or disrespect her – you just don’t have to be hung up on her approval or opinion of you.

Treat it like a social experiment where you want to find out what happens when you take fear out of the equation. You’ll probably get a few brush-offs and cold shoulders, but you’ll also get some positive responses in the mix too.

That brings us to a valuable lesson…

When you start to care less and less about what women think of you – and focus on making her laugh and having a good time – you’ll get more favorable results.

Although this is the right direction you should take with women, I’ll admit that you’ll need more than just a healthy amount of detachment to the outcome.

You’ll also need that solid masculine personality women are after in a man – and it takes considerable social skills to cultivate this inner character.

That’s why I’ve developed a foolproof course that will help you develop those valuable qualities and build up your unshakable inner core. This is the REAL stuff that goes beyond the surface, like looks or money.

Interested? Then I strongly urge you to check this out TODAY.

female body language

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