A Guide to Understanding Women

Does it ever feel like no matter what you say to a woman, you just can’t say the right thing?

Do you ever have problems understanding what women are saying to you?

I always wished I had a guide to understanding women. It would have made my life SO much simpler. Just a short 100 page paperback that explained the basics so I knew what I was dealing with.

Look, I love talking to women. Because if there’s one thing that’s guaranteed, there’s never a dull moment in a conversation with a woman.

But if you don’t know how to handle yourself, it can also be a real challenge, and that’s what kills the fun for most guys.

Here are some funny interpretations of what women are saying, and then what she really means.


“FINE”: This is the word women use to end an argument when they feel they are right and you need to shut up. Never use “fine” to describe how a woman looks. This will cause you to have one of “those” arguments.

“FIVE MINUTES”: This is half an hour. It is equivalent to the five minutes that your football game is going to last before you pay attention to her again, so it’s usually an even trade.

“NOTHING”: This means “something” and you should be on your toes. “Nothing” is usually used to describe the feeling a woman has of wanting to turn you inside out, upside down, and backwards. “Nothing” usually signifies an argument that will last “Five Minutes” and will end with the word “Fine”.

“GO AHEAD” (With Raised Eyebrows): This is a dare. One that will result in a woman getting upset over “Nothing” and will end with the word “Fine”.

“GO AHEAD” (Normal Eyebrows): This means “I give up” or “do what you want because I don’t care”. You will get a “Raised Eyebrow Go Ahead” in just a few minutes, followed by “Nothing” and “Fine”, and she will talk to you in about “Five Minutes” when she cools off.

Now that’s a humorous take on how women can say one thing and mean something completely different. Raise your hand if you’ve ever had THAT kind of conversation with a woman…

Well, when you’re just meeting a woman for the first time, or in the early stages, you’ll probably encounter a whole different set of challenges.

I’ve got some serious tips on communicating with women that will help you. They’ve gotten me through some wickedly frustrating moments, and if you can use them, all the power to you.

This is your REAL Guide to Understanding Women:

“I want a sensitive guy…”

“I want a guy who can be sensitive to MY feelings.”


She does NOT want a guy who is sensitive in the way of breaking down in tears on a regular basis, or always “Sharing his feelings and heart” with a woman.

It may sound cold and old-fashioned, but this is true: Women don’t feel attraction – gut-level, stop-her-heart attraction – for sensitive new-age guys. (S.N.A.G.s)

You see women know that they live in a rather volatile and bumpy ride of emotions a great deal of the time, and they need someone who can ground them and give them a feeling of safety.

Write that one down in your Guide to Understanding Women – then highlight it and circle it.

“Yeah, sure, let’s go out this weekend. Give me a call on Saturday afternoon to confirm the plan.”

“I’m not really interested, or I’m waiting for better plans to come up. But I don’t want to say ‘no’ and shatter your hopes, so I’ll take the easy way out on the phone, and when you call on Saturday, I won’t answer. I hope you’ll take the hint.”


Ever had this one happen?

TRUE STORY: I once called a woman ten times before she finally answered and yelled, “Get a clue!” into my ear. That was a harsh lesson.

One of the cold hard realities is that women (especially younger women) are always trying to plan their time on the best bet. They’ll make several commitments and take the one that looks the best. That’s usually 5 minutes before you’re supposed to meet her.

Very often, you’re just a backup plan, dude.

It’s not that you don’t have potential, but you haven’t shown KICK-ASS potential to get her to think: “Holy crap, going out with him will be more fun than anything else. I’ll cancel my plans to pick up my lottery winnings to meet up with him.”

When you KNOW you’re going to have a fun time, you won’t turn it down.

And it’s your job to communicate that to a woman so that she will know this and drop anything and everything and spend time with you.

“I’m not ready for a relationship…”
“I think we should just be friends…”

“You seem more like a brother or a ‘nice guy’ to me, and you’re just not raising my feelings of attraction. I don’t feel any spark of chemistry. Mostly because you don’t seem all that exciting, or I feel like you’ve got an agenda.”



That’s a cold one to swallow, but it’s also very true. I would have saved myself a TON of pain and suffering if I’d had a guide to understanding women. I had women that would go out with me on dates and get super intimate with me, and then – when they smelled a little bit of “wuss” on me – they pulled that one out of left field.


REMEMBER THIS: Women do NOT ask to be friends with a guy they feel sexually attracted to.

This is RULE 1 in my guide to understanding women:

When a woman feels attraction for you, she simply does not have the will or the desire to stop herself from acting on her desire.

If you wanted a woman, would you ever find yourself telling her, “I really think we should just be friends for a while to see how things go first.”

HELL NO! You hit that thang like it’s water to a man dying of thirst. Well, maybe not that eagerly. But you get my point.

We simply do not refuse to act on sexual attraction when it’s there. We just go for it. It’s human nature.

And even if she just came out of a horrible relationship, a woman will still jump on the first bad-boy that drives her wild. So don’t ever fall for that “my heart is vulnerable” or “I’m not ready” crap.

We’re ALWAYS ready for the person we really want.

If you’ve ever been a woman’s “buddy” and listened to hear tale of heartbreak, only to have her go jump in some other guy’s bed, you know exactly what I mean.

The funny thing is that you don’t have to spend that much time understanding what women are saying to you if you spend enough time communicating your confidence and strength to HER.

Interpretation is unnecessary when you’re being clear about your confidence, your Alpha masculinity, and your comfort with your sexual desires.

Unfortunately most guys never really learn what it takes to do this the right way…

The good news is that I’ve got a “Guide to Understanding Women” that can give you the understanding about women that you may have missed.

Women keep their secrets well, but once you understand and decipher what it is she’s looking for in a guy, you’ll have no problems translating her words into what she’s really saying.
And here’s another nasty truth: If you’re not actively learning these secrets and techniques, you’re probably losing ground to the other guys out there who are.

Let’s face it, guys are more aware of the rules of the game now than ever before. The guys that are learning these strategies move forward by leaps and bounds, and get success a LOT faster than guys who try to figure it out on their own.

Which means that in as little as just a few weeks, you could be falling into the lowest percentage guys who get little or no success with women.

I’m not here to scare you with fear, though. There is a cure for this, and it’s fast and easy to learn.

And if you learn what I teach about REAL Game with women, you’ll find that your success will easily surpass any “pickup artist” out there.


Because I teach you what they can’t: How to attract quality women with your genuine personality, with no fear and no rejection.

And the biggest bonus is that your self-esteem and self-confidence will shoot through the roof at the same time.

Don’t get left behind. And don’t fall for the clever marketing pitches that tell you that you need to spend $3000 to go to a bootcamp to meet women in dark, noisy bars.

In just a few hours, you can learn the secrets that will help you for a LIFETIME.

Attract Women – The QUALITY Women….

Flirt With Women

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