Category: Confidence

How to be a MAN

How to be a MAN

What’s it take to be a man these days?
I find myself asking that question a lot. If you watch young boys and how a lot of them are being brought up these days, you’ll find yourself shaking your head as you ask it. What are the important parts of being a MAN?

How to Seduce Women – Seduction Techniques

How to Seduce Women – Seduction Techniques

We really do want to please women – and ourselves – by being the kind of confident man she wants. We all feel validation when a girl likes us back. It’s what we all want. And when a guy wants to know how to seduce women, he’s actually talking about the same things I teach, but we’re just using different words. You see, when guys want to learn a seduction technique, they’re not really talking about “seduction” at all. They’re really talking about…