Question & Answer with Carlos


I’ve been out on several dates over the last couple weeks (a massive increase, due to your advice). 

Women are so much easier to meet and build attraction with than ever. It’s truly cool to be able to walk up to pretty much ANY woman and know that I can 1) talk to her without fear or anxiety, 2) get her interest, and 3) get a phone number or a date almost 9 times out of ten. 

However, I’ve noticed something odd that I wanted to bring to your attention… 

As I’ve been going out on dates with women (and most are attractive, but not stunners), I noticed that I’m not as excited as I once was. I mean, I enjoy their company, but I don’t find myself all nervous and on pins-and-needles with each date. 

Have women lost their challenge for me?

– Bill in Forest Falls, ID



Ah, yes, my Alpha Brother, you’re going through a common syndrome that I call “Alpha Plateau.” 

It happens when you’ve actually built up some ability with women, and now you notice that the thrill of the chase has declined a little for you. 

Does this mean that going out with women will be flat and boring for you? Are you doomed to dull dates? 

Nope. This is only the beginning of what will be a new revelation to you. 

Let me explain… 

The first step in developing any skill set is realizing that you’re not that competent. About 85% (and probably more) of all men do not have the skill they think they do with women. And about 95% of all guys can improve in many ways with their game.

This is why I teach men how to improve all stages of their abilities, from approaching women to attracting women. “From the first date to the first ‘sleep-over.”  It’s all part of a wide range of skills you build along the way. 

Once you start working on these skills, you realize that it’s not that difficult to make a few tweaks and adjustments and really get good at it. And I’m not talking about some flimsy “pickup artist” game here – I’m talking about giving your self a powerful and more complete LIFESTYLE

You’re now at the point that you need to raise the bar for yourself. You need to move up to the next level of women that you might not have gone after before because your self-image was not ready to make the leap. But now that you’ve built up your belief system about your own value, women become attracted to you almost AUTOMATICALLY

This is the part that most guys don’t figure out because they’re too busy learning lame pickup lines. 

Look, I’ll give you a fantastic pickup line right now that works better than anything I’ve ever seen to get yourself a conversation with a woman. 

If you deliver this very simple opener to a woman, I can guarantee you that if she’s 1) sane, 2) a decent person, she will respond to it. (And if she doesn’t respond, she’s neither sane nor decent – and you don’t want her!) 

Here it is: 

“Hey, you know, I was just about to leave when I saw you, and I knew I’d be kicking myself if I didn’t come over and say hello. I just wanted you to know that you have a nice energy about you. My name is…” 

And I’ll bet that would be true for most every guy out there, including me. We see a woman we want to talk to, and we freeze up. Well, that situation is your best opening line. It’s also AUTHENTIC and REAL.

A woman will be flattered by this, and she’ll at least give you a shot if you deliver it with a calm and confident tone.

(Stay with me here, I think you’re going to be enlightened…) 

Back to what I was saying about raising the bar and getting past your Alpha Plateau. 

After you learn a simple opener that you can use consistently, like the one above, you start to get the hang of talking to women. Then you get the hang of escalating things, and even getting phone numbers – all the skills I teach you here. 

Then, when you’ve gotten a certain level of success where you don’t view women as sacred creatures to be put on a pedestal, you realize just how much in control of your destiny you really are. A new portal to a new life opens to you. 

What you’re facing right now is a slight apprehension about stepping through that doorway. 

For some guys it’s a fear of failure. 

For many guys, it’s a fear of SUCCESS

Yes, some men are actually immobilized by their own success because they don’t feel they deserve it. 

You might be feeling let down right now because your image of women is finally truing up to reality. And now you have to take on a new challenge … YOURSELF

You’ve just discovered that women are NOT the be-all, end-all of the world. They’re a delightful and wonderful part of it, but they are NOT your mission. They are NOT your true passion and calling. That’s something you have to find for yourself. 

So where do you go now? 

Instead of thinking that your destiny lies in a woman, you should re-focus back on your own goals and purpose. (Again, something I guide you through in my programs.) Find your calling and your purpose. There may be many of them in your lifetime, so the important thing is just to get busy on whatever you feel fulfills you as a MAN. 

And then go after the “stunners.” Go after the women that you thought were only attainable by billionaire playboys and men of power. 

Because that is what you’ve become, my friend. 

An Alpha Man with CONFIDENCE … and Alpha POWER

– Carlos Xuma

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