How To Attract Women: The 4 Core “Seduction” Skills…
In this article I’m going to show you how to attract women and completely revolutionize the way you look at dating and seduction – And why this is the only method you will ever need – making other guys completely envy you for your ability to attract women.
Dating women has gotten unnecessarily complicated over the last few decades. It’s a social phenomenon that most guys simply don’t understand.
You see in women’s fight for equality in the workplace and in the rest of society – which they honestly and completely deserve – we overcompensated. We swung the pendulum WAY over to the other side, and men’s balls were cut off as a result. Now we’re afraid to so much as hint that we might desire a “feminine” and demure woman. We’re so afraid of being “politically incorrect.”
Well, the time is now to remember just what it is that women want in a man. Care to guess what that is?
It’s simple – and you’ve probably already guessed it. She wants a MASCULINE man. A man who is man enough to make her feel like a woman.
Let me say that again for the cheap seats: A man who is man enough to make her feel like a real woman.
So here are my THREE critical elements you must use to attract women:
HOW TO ATTRACT WOMEN SKILL 1) Confidence and Bad Boy attitude
Look it’s so obvious that it’s become a cliche, right? Women love bad boys.
But what women think of as a Bad Boy is not really BAD. He’s a good guy that knows that seeking a woman’s approval, or trying to be the “Mr. Nice Guy” simply will not cut it. In fact, I want you to raise your hand if you’ve tried the nice guy act and lost the girl because she wasn’t interested…
Okay, put your hand down now. I made that mistake all the time until I figured these principles out.
When you have the inner game – the confidence of a bad boy – you will have no problem hooking up with beautiful women.
What do I mean by “Good Game”?
First of all, by “Game” I’m talking about knowing what to say to women, and how to say it.
By “Good” I mean that you don’t need to be some mega-superstar pickup artist. In fact, in this day of the Internet and bad reality television shows, women already know all the pickup artist tricks. You have to learn REAL Game with women that is genuine and not manipulative – because they can see right through it.
Simple skills, like knowing how to handle the first 30 seconds of when you’re approaching a woman, will give you the edge over 90% of the guys out there. Just knowing a few opening lines will save you years of frustration and embarrassment.
You also have to know that “good game” also means that you don’t need to put women up on a pedestal.
And finally…
Just by understanding the rules of the game of attraction will put you in the front of the pack. And by communicating in subtle ways that you know these rules, women will be more attracted to you for it.
For example, most guys don’t realize this, but one of the worst things you can do on a date is answer the questions a woman asks you. If you hold back and sidestep a few questions from time to time, you’ll actually get her ten times more attracted to you than if you were to give her all the information she asks for.
In fact, this is a kind of “test” that women use to check and see if you’re a street-smart Alpha Man, or a socially clueless videogame geek.
Now I want you to notice that none of those three skills said “Must have a great body” or “Must have a six-figure income” or “Must have a hot car.”
It’s a common mistake guys make that when they see one or two gold-digger women with a guy in a Ferrari that this means he’s got to buy her into bed.
It’s simply NOT necessary to have those things to attract women. And the guys that GET this fact also GET more women!
In order to attract women, you simply have to read the rule book, and get out there and get into the game.
It’s not about the next pickup line or routine stack or “micro-hoop-loop” theory, or “M8” model, or… whatever.
It’s about being an Alpha Man. And it’s easy to do when you have the right coach.
Learn how to be the Alpha Man women want… because THAT is how to get a girlfriend – a quality woman that you will want to seduce over and over again.
Go read my fast start program on attraction that has helped men just like you get the confidence they need to get the woman they want…
Go download your copy here: How to Get a Girlfriend – FAST
Talk soon…
Wishing you confidence and success with women – With HONOR and integrity.
Carlos Xuma
PS: You might be reading this right now, just happy to be entertained with the information I’m sharing. But I want more than this for you.
I want you to get REAL results with women.
Stop pretending everything is “fine.”
Stop walking away from situations that make you nervous – like approaching a woman, or asking her out.
Stop letting the outside world stop you from being the man you want to be…
Really, the time for denial and mediocrity is over.
Make a decision that today is the day things will change forever for you.
Go here now and learn how to make that change:

and an overview of REAL Game, click here.