What is worth investing in?

What is worth investing in?

Have you ever heard someone tell you that a car is a bad investment? I used to hear this all the time, and I finally figured out why it bugged me so much.

They’re not thinking about it the right way. They think that an “investment” must pay you money back.

By that definition, they’re right. A car is a crappy investment. It loses 20% of its value the second you drive it off the lot. It’s lost half its value in the first 3 years.

But you don’t buy cars to sell them. You buy them to DRIVE them.

Some things pay us back in dividends that we cannot equate to dollars and cents.

One of the things I learned a long time ago is that value – REAL value – is not really quantified by a price tag.

Think about it: The things in life that you buy can all be replaced. But the things you were given for FREE – your mind, your health, your body, your life…

Those things cannot be replaced. They’re beyond value.

That knowledge allowed me to make another valuable association in my mind, and that was that any money I spent that improved ME was the best investment in the world.

I’ll get back to this in a minute…

Have you ever spent money on a woman and thought, “Man, this sucks! I’m spending all this dough to impress her, and I BETTER get something out of it in the end.”