Beware the Alfie

Beware the Alfie

I happened to watch the Jude Law movie “Alfie” the other night.

While I can’t recommend it based on its merits as a movie (especially if you have as little time as I do), I found the message in it to be very disturbing and worth noting.

Basically, the film is about a young British guy (good looking, of course) who is a limo driver in New York City. He’s a ladies man, and pulls action all the time. Over the course of the movie, you see his cocky and confident facade pulled down by a series of events that make him re-think his approach to life and women.

Now, on the surface, this seems like the standard cautionary tale about not using people and thinking of other people’s feelings. After all, Alfie is just using these poor women and being a real jerk.

But wait a minute hereā€¦.

IS he?