How to keep your relationship out of the danger zone

If you’ve been reading and applying the advice on our site, you’ve probably found yourself a relationship.

But the journey doesn’t end there.

A relationship is never “a means to an end”, and so keeping it in good condition should be your priority.

The true mark of an Alpha Male is being able to keep that connection going long after you’ve become a couple.

If you can’t, your relationship is going to become dull, lifeless and overwhelmed with negative feelings.


So, what’s the secret to staying happy even after you’ve been together for some time? Read on:

#1: Say NO to Judgment

Sooner or later, you’re going to realize that you and your lady are different people.

I don’t just mean knowing it on an intellectual level, but actually experiencing your differences – and more importantly, argue over them.

This is a turning point in your relationship, and the best way to deal with this change is by keeping yourself in check.

When the arguments and power struggles come along, it’s easy for doubt and anxiety to creep in.

You’ll probably felt this yourself before – don’t give in to these emotions.

Even if she said or did something to get under your skin, she’s not actually out to get you.

Chances are you don’t know her that well yet, so don’t go handing out any judgments her based on what information you have.

Stay calm, keep focused and look at the issue from all angles.

Consider the possibility that you misread each other, which led to whatever you fought about. Don’t jump the gun and accuse her of trying to “get you” without taking an objective look at the situation first.

Remember when I mentioned how relationships shouldn’t be overrun by negative feelings? This is one way to prevent that from happening to you.

Article continues – CLICK HERE for next page

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