Step 1. Basic Information

Age: Your gender: Male Female

Have you studied books on pick up or meeting women?
Yes No
Have you ever consulted a professional dating coach?
Yes No

Are you currently seeing any hot women?
No and I never have
Not now, but I have in the past

Step 2. Your Goals

Check all that apply.

Step 3 of 5. Your Experiences With Hot Women Up Until Now:
Once or twice a year
A few times a month
Once or twice a week
All the time

How often do you get introduced to hot women.
How often do you approach hot women in bars and clubs.
How often do you approach hot women in social circles or at work.
How often do you approach hot women in the street, malls or just generally in public places.
How often do hot women approach and/or ask you out.
How often do average women approach and/or ask you out.
How often do you organize or promote private parties.

Step 4 of 5. Your Knowledge Of Hot Women:
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Hot women are just like everyone else, they just look better.
The only things that attract hot women are money and fame.
Hot women need to be impressed and won over.
I have been liked by hot women in the past.
Hot women think just like average women do.
Hot women don't like nice guys.
Hot women don't like jerks.
All hot women are the same.

Step 5 of 5. Your Ability To Get Hotter Women:
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I will do and invest whatever it takes to get hotter women.
When I set my mind on a goal, I achieve it no matter what.
I am ready to try new things with women, even if challenging at first.
I don't want to settle for being average anymore
I have improved other areas of my life before.
I want to get hotter women, not just view them from afar.

6. What is your present relationship status?
In a Relationship
7. Do you have any special comments? (Optional)
Email Address:

I'm cool with learning more about getting hotter women! Email me your Tips!

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