How to Sleep with a Girl AND Make Her Your Girlfriend

Be interested

A lot of men that get into the seduction/PUA scene make the mistake of assuming that showing any sort of interest in a woman is bad. The main issue here is that they’re unaware of the difference between generic interest and genuine interest.

For example, when you tell a woman that she has pretty eyes you’re showing generic interest. But when you tell a woman that you like how animated she gets when she talks about her favorite band, you’re showing genuine interest.

And this sort of genuine interest is essential if you’re to start a romantic and sexual relationship with a woman. A girl MIGHT sleep with you just because you think she’s hot. But she’s not likely to want to be your girlfriend for this reason alone.


Get her invested

Romantic relationships are like games of poker. The more money there is in the pot the more attached to the hand the players are. Great seducers understand this and use this to their advantage.

In a romantic context, every time a woman tells you a personal story, shares a joke or shows you something cool that she can do, she’s investing more and more of her time and effort in you. And the more invested in you she is, the more likely she is to want to start a romantic relationship with you.

Keep an open mind

This all said, at the end of the day women are incredibly complex creatures that we men will never really figure out. Which is actually what’s so amazing about them. So be prepared to face the fact that sometimes a woman who you would like to make your girlfriend might not want anything more than a one night stand from you.

Keep an open mind and enjoy the journey. And when you finally meet a woman who finds you as hot and interesting as you find her, your romantic and sexual adventures together will be epic.

When a woman understands that you’re aware of her specific situation she doesn’t have to worry about you committing some sort of social faux pas, and this allows her to freely explore the romantic and sexual possibilities available with you.

Whenever I meet a woman that I find attractive I make sure to ask her what her relationship situation is. I don’t really skirt around the fact like some dating gurus might advocate. Not only is this good seduction etiquette but it also allows me to gauge her expectations and intentions.

Be interested

A lot of men that get into the seduction/PUA scene make the mistake of assuming that showing any sort of interest in a woman is bad. The main issue here is that they’re unaware of the difference between generic interest and genuine interest.

For example, when you tell a woman that she has pretty eyes you’re showing generic interest. But when you tell a woman that you like how animated she gets when she talks about her favorite band, you’re showing genuine interest.

And this sort of genuine interest is essential if you’re to start a romantic and sexual relationship with a woman. A girl MIGHT sleep with you just because you think she’s hot. But she’s not likely to want to be your girlfriend for this reason alone.

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Get her invested

Romantic relationships are like games of poker. The more money there is in the pot the more attached to the hand the players are. Great seducers understand this and use this to their advantage.

In a romantic context, every time a woman tells you a personal story, shares a joke or shows you something cool that she can do, she’s investing more and more of her time and effort in you. And the more invested in you she is, the more likely she is to want to start a romantic relationship with you.

Keep an open mind

This all said, at the end of the day women are incredibly complex creatures that we men will never really figure out. Which is actually what’s so amazing about them. So be prepared to face the fact that sometimes a woman who you would like to make your girlfriend might not want anything more than a one night stand from you.

Keep an open mind and enjoy the journey. And when you finally meet a woman who finds you as hot and interesting as you find her, your romantic and sexual adventures together will be epic.


Sarah Williams is a Berlin based blogger who specializes in dating advice. Her interests include gender relations and the underlying mechanisms that drive human interactions. You can check out her thoughts on sex, dating and love at Wingman Magazine.

confidence with women

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