3 Ways To Bounce Back From a Brutal Breakup

She packed her bags, gave a last, tearful speech and slammed the door shut. She’s gone from your life for good, and she may as well have torn out your heart before she left.

You’re sitting there, feeling numb from shock as you’re trying to process what just happened. After a while, a dam bursts inside you and the emotions start flooding you so fast you don’t know which way is up.

It’s ok, we’ve all been through this crap one time or another. Here’s how you can keep your head above water and see that light at the end of the tunnel:

#1: “Let it Hit You Like a Truck”

You’re feeling absolutely horrible right now, and you want to sift through the rubble of your failed relationship. Don’t – now is not the time to figure out what went wrong.

That part comes later. Right now, focus on just dealing with the all those emotions beating down your door.

Here’s my advice: let them in. It’s the first step of your healing process.


Comedian Louis C.K. once said that when you have those moments of sadness (which is what defines a breakup), you need to let those emotions wash over you and “let it hit you like a truck.”

Embrace the pain, disbelief, anger and every other negative feeling coursing through you. It’s all temporary anyway.

Once you let it pass through you like a bad burrito you had the night before, you’ll eventually get it out of your system. (Breaking up is a crappy deal – sorry for the graphic analogy.)

#2: Operation: Social Media Blackout

For the time being, purge your ex’s name from your phone’s contact list, Facebook account and any other site you’re on. Communicating with your ex isn’t the best move for either of you.

You’re both still going through the motions of grieving over the relationship, so neither of you are in the best state of mind to talk about it. Otherwise, it’s going set back the recovery process for both of you.

#3: Approach it From a Different Angle

Ok, now that you’ve given yourself time to work through your feelings, you’re ready to move on to looking back at the relationship.

The biggest mistake is to think that the breakup was all on you. Any relationship involves two people who both contributed to the end result.

Blaming yourself for everything that happened is going to keep you from looking back objectively. Worse, you’ll end up begging your ex to forgive you when you aren’t even sure how things really ended.

That said, don’t treat the breakup as a sign that your ex was too good for you, which is the mindset for a lot of guys. You didn’t go separate ways because you didn’t deserve her.


Instead, you’ll uncover the real reasons by looking at both sides of the picture. Think about all the things that you liked about her and the relationship, then contrast that with what you could have done better.

You may not like what you’ll uncover, but at least you can use what you learned to keep history from repeating itself.

That’s all it really takes: a healthy perspective to work from. Pretty soon, you’ll be in a better place, emotionally speaking.

And the next time around, you can be at top condition by learning the secrets of Alpha Sexual Power, just by going here.

Stay Alpha…

– Carlos Xuma

confidence with women

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