5 Types Of Women You Should Date

When you first start dating women, at first it was exciting, exhilarating…FUN!

Until you got tired of the same ol’ scene…the same kind of women…the same dating cycle.

You start thinking, “There should be more than this.”

And you’re right…there IS.

What you actually need is to find a GOOD WOMAN. And if you’re used to the same “exciting” stuff night after night, then it’ll be challenging for you to find her.


But, don’t fret. There are a lot of good women out there…

You just need to be open and aware of how to spot them. Here is a list of women you SHOULD be dating when you’re out there trying to find Ms. Right.

Check each one and think about which one you’d like to be with most…

Type Of Women You Want To Date #1: Miss Sophisticated

She’s funny, hot, and spontaneous. She’s well-dressed, sociable, and when you’re with her…everyone has their eye on her.

If you’re the type of guy who wants that level of sophistication in his life… Miss Sophisticated is definitely the right woman for you.

She makes you look and feel good when you’re with her. She’s the woman every girl wants to be, and every guy wants to be with. She’s classy and cool.


She can talk to just about anyone, even your boss! She can make you look so good that your boss might consider you for that position you’ve been eyeing on for some time.

DOWNSIDE: Watch out for her being a little too formal and unwilling to “get real.” Don’t let her get pretentious.

Type Of Women You Want To Date #2: Miss Artistic

She’s always exciting and cerebral. You’ll see her in art shows, bars, theaters, cultural musical concerts.

If you’re the guy who’s into art and music or wants to learn more about it… Miss Artistic is the woman for you.

You’ll see her caring for culture… and for the world. You’ll have good conversation with her. And if deep down inside you’re really a “cultural” kind of guy, and you’re a free thinker, this girl is what you want.

DOWNSIDE: She can also be a bit pretentious, so you have to keep it real. And watch out for her being a little “black & white” in her thinking.

Type Of Women You Want To Date #3: Miss Health-Conscious

She’s got great skin and healthy physique. You’ll see her at the gym, doing pilates, yoga – all the stuff that’s healthy for the mind and body.

If you’re the type of guy who strongly feels that a healthy body is the way to happiness, then Miss Health Conscious is meant for you.

Imagine exercising with her…sweating and doing all those things that pump you up. Even the more “bedroom oriented” activities.

And you won’t have to encourage her to get off the couch to have some fun. You don’t have to keep on trying – and keep getting frustrated.


No more irritable arguments over what’s good and what’s not. With Miss Health Conscious…all you have to be is you.

DOWNSIDE: Sometimes she can be a bit self-righteous – eyeballing you when you have a sinful moment at McDonald’s. Beware if she can’t make exceptions once in a while.

Type Of Women You Want To Date #4: Miss Independent

She’s an achiever. When you meet her, she’s probably the boss or the owner of a company. Or she’s a rising star in another.

She’s used to getting things done.

If you’re the type of guy who needs a lot of space, who doesn’t want to feel like your freedom was taken away from you…then Miss Independent is THE ONE for you.

She has her own life. She doesn’t need you to complete her, but what’s good is that she wants you in her life. You’ll get the space and the intense connection.


She’s always moving towards a positive direction. If you’re with her, you don’t have to feel smothered – and you’ll absolutely love her for this.

DOWNSIDE: She might put her job and her career ahead of you, and you might not always want to be a lower priority than her advancement.

Type Of Women You Want To Date #5: Miss Homemaker

She just wants to be the “wife” for a man – ever since she was a little. She’s VERY nurturing…she’ll cook for you, take care of you.

She’ll remind you of HOME. She wants to have kids, build a place where you can look forward to going home to after work.

She’s NOT a gold digger, though. All she wants is a nice, comfortable place that you can provide so she can nurture you and your kids.

If you’re the type of guy that’s ready to settle, wants to have that piece of “home” – Miss Homemaker is the perfect partner for you.

You don’t have to worry about anything else…at the end of a stressful day, you can always look forward to a good meal and a happy place where you’re taken care of.


DOWNSIDE: She can be naive about the true nature of relationships, and you want to avoid the “bride-zilla” that doesn’t have anything but her eyes on the “prize” of being married with ten kids.

These are a few of the types of women you should be on the lookout for – as well as the “gotchas.” Choose which one you really want to be with…picture which one can make you the happiest.

The right woman is always out there. You just need to keep your eyes open. And when you see her, act fast and get the girl.

If you’d like to learn more about how to choose the right woman, I suggest you look at my Girlfriend Training Program

Stay Alpha…

– Carlos Xuma

female body language

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