Are you killing your Inner Game?

Have you ever watched one of those slasher flicks where the characters are obviously walking into a death trap, but don’t know it?

I’m talking about classics like Friday the 13th and Scream, and you just want to yell at them so they don’t the spend the night in that creepy cabin in the woods, or wander off alone to “check on that noise”.

And sure enough, that ax-wielding dude picks them off, one by one.

It’s frustrating as hell. It’s kind of like how I look at a lot of guys – and the way they lay waste to their dating lives without even knowing it.

In particular, I wanted to point out a couple of typical attitude mistakes that I see all the time, like a bad movie cliché.

Learn the Importance of Getting It Together

Ok, this is actually an area of your life that isn’t directly related to dating, but still needs to be sorted out. Otherwise, your ability to attract women will suffer.

I’ve seen plenty of men who don’t make their lives work for them, and it affects their dating lives as well. For instance, there’s this one guy I know who would always spend too much time trying to meet women and end up missing work the next day.

Instead of putting his foot down and learning when to call it quits, he’d hit on women all night and let the other parts of his life suffer. This is a harmful habit because he’s letting other people dictate his schedule, and it makes for a bad impression on women.


Beware – this sloppy attitude also manifests itself in other ways:

  • Letting your gym membership run out
  • Being late to appointments
  • Flaking out on people
  • Not managing your personal and work hours properly
  • Not following through on your promises
  • Making impulsive decisions instead of thinking them through

This is why you need to put a stop to it before it becomes a cycle that feeds on itself. I know guys that feel bad for not doing something about it, then go out on dates with a negative vibe, making things even worse.

And when you’re convinced that you’re no good around women, you’ll shuffle into life, thinking it’s pointless to try at all.

But these are nothing more than mental weeds that you need to uproot from your mind so they don’t cloud your thoughts.

To do that, read up on motivational and/or self-help material to break out of your funk. Once you start taking control of your life in general, your dating life will follow.

But remember, do it for yourself whether you’re single or not. Attracting women is simply a side effect of an improved attitude.

Don’t make women think, “How can this guy be anyone’s boyfriend if he can’t even manage his life properly?”

Take Off Your “Doom and Gloom Goggles”

You know how there’s always that one guy in the movie that keeps bringing down the rest of the group with his negative vibe?

He’s the guy who keeps saying stuff like “we’re all gonna die” and “game over man!”

Instead of actually doing something about the situation (e.g. finding a nearby weapon, planning an escape route), this dude spends way too much time cursing his luck.

At one time or another, we’ve been put upon life in some way. However, there are always two options, which is: a) act like a victim, or b) take action instead.

Again, this doesn’t have much to do with dating itself, but making the right choice (read: option b) will consequently boost your success with women.

Think of it this way: if you were a chick, would you want to hang out with the guy who keeps treating every little hitch as the end of the world?

Or would you rather go out with someone who’s more focused on having a great time and making you feel good?

If you don’t feel confident enough to deal with life’s little curveballs, what kind of impression would you make on her?

Here’s a challenge you can try on for size today: instead of seeing the worst possible outcome in a stressful situation, think of the things you can do turn it around.

It’s better to distract yourself by focusing on damage control; that way, there won’t be any room for despair or other negative thoughts.


Let’s say you were stuck in line at the ATM machine, and you didn’t have any choice but to wait your turn. Would you rather focus your thoughts on how long you had to wait?

Or maybe, you’re better off diverting your mind towards productive thoughts such as:

  • Plan the rest of your day
  • Think about what you’ll do this weekend
  • Play a game on your phone
  • Put on your headphones and listen to music

You can apply this kind of thinking to other situations. So being a responsible guy means taking responsibility for your emotions, i.e. not acting like a victim of your circumstances.

When you’re in control of how you react to a situation, you’ll appear more mature to the people around you – that goes for hot women too.

And that’s really what Alpha behavior is all about: being in control of your life AND your emotions. Once you’ve got that down, you’ll pretty much draw women into your orbit without trying too hard.

Speaking of staying Alpha, I strongly recommend you check out my new course that will teach you how to keep your testosterone even as you get older. Some guys aren’t so lucky and lose theirs over time.

To stay on top of your game —> CLICK HERE to find out how to up your Inner Game.

Stay Alpha…

– Carlos Xuma

female body language

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