Decoding Female Behavior 101

Playing games: it’s always been a part of dating, and winning it means getting inside her head.

However, the one thing we have going against us is the male tendency to see things that aren’t always there, such as attraction. Figuring out whether she’s interested in you or not can be a tricky deal, but there are a few tricks to help you crack her cryptic ways.

She Doesn’t Want to Look Too Eager

Let’s face it – we’re guilty of this behavior too. Like us, women don’t want to give the impression that they have nothing going for them other than waiting for the next guy to come along.

She has a happening life, and by making herself unavailable from time to time (e.g. “I’ll be swamped with work this weekend”, “I’d love to, but my yoga class got moved to Tuesday…”), she’ll trigger your desire to chase her all the more.


It’s the “You want what you can’t have” principle in effect here. And it keeps her from looking needy.

If you want to know if she’s still in the game, ask her out a few times – but never on short notice.

Let her know a few days in advance that you want to take her out so she knows you’re not just treating her as a backup.

Be on the lookout if she’s giving you signs of hope. If she agrees in spite of her busy schedule, then things are going well.

But if she keeps making excuses even after you’ve planned ahead, then take it as a “no.”

Radio Silence

Maybe you sent her a funny SMS the other day and you haven’t heard from her at all. Now you’re wondering, “Did she drop off the face of the Earth?”

Relax. This could still be part of her anti-neediness plan, so play it by ear.

If she’s not sure that you’re interested in something long-term, she’ll hold off replying to gauge your reaction. Facebook messages, tweets and other forms of online contact are more casual, so she probably wants more than just a little nudge from you.

If you’re in this situation, test the waters by giving her a call. Having a voice conversation is different from social media; taking that first step to call will tell her that you value the time and attention she gives you.

Playing The Jealousy Game

Ok, so we’ve established that women aren’t always available to create scarcity and set the pursuit in motion.

But there’s another way to raise the stakes even higher, which is casually mentioning other guys she knows.

She might be dropping hints of how they find her attractive – this communicates either of the following:

  • “You should move on because I don’t really see this going anywhere.”
  • “Look how desirable I am – you better make a move before it’s too late.”

The second one applies to you if she doesn’t mention anything about liking them back, or tells you that she brushed them off. In any case though, be nonchalant and make a joke about it instead.


I know it’s discouraging at times, but it helps if you look at the big picture. Chances are she’s just looking out for herself and doesn’t want to end up as another notch on some guy’s belt.

As long as you know what the signs are and how to respond to them, she’ll be coming your way soon enough.

But there is a way to get her attracted to you so much that she won’t bother playing these games at all. You just need to make sure your testosterone levels don’t drop because this is a real problem that’s affecting other men.

Once you get this sorted out, women can actually detect this in a man and it flips a primal attraction switch deep in her brain. It’s not even a matter of choice – she’ll be compelled to like you no matter what she does.

Check this out to learn more about harnessing your Alpha Sexual Power.

Stay Alpha,

– Carlos Xuma

female body language

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