Stop Lying to Yourself About Women

One of the best ways to sabotage your dating life is by operating under false beliefs.

I see it all the time with a lot of men who let their assumptions get in the way of approaching women.

For example, some guys are too hung up over the physical aspect of attraction. And in turn, they think that they need to look like a model or celebrity just to attract women.

I’m not saying it doesn’t help to catch a woman’s interest, but looking good only gets your foot in the door.

In reality, you’ll need more than good genetics to make her think of you as a potential lover.

(By the way, this is different from having good style, which any man should have regardless of the mug he was born with.)


Instead of obsessing over your looks, you should focus on cultivating the social skills you need to really connect with women.

If you look nice but you’re boring as paint drying on a wall, you won’t stimulate her emotionally.

And that’s the key to everything: stirring her feelings in such a way that she has NO CHOICE but to FEEL attracted to you.

So rather than feeling like crap because you don’t look like a movie star, you need to go beyond crafting the perfect pickup line.

Once you’ve got the ball rolling, it’s pretty much up to you to keep things moving along.

And that brings us to another FALSE belief, which is:

“I’ve done my part, now she should do hers.”

Hey, that sounds good in theory, but that’s not how the real world works. In actuality, you’ll need to project that masculine energy by “taking charge” of the conversation.

I don’t mean bum rushing her with a non-stop barrage of pre-rehearsed routines and not letting her talk.

All I’m saying is since you started the conversation, you need to make sure the energy level of the conversation never goes down. If not, she’ll get bored and shut you down.

Let me give a couple of quick tips to pull this off:

  • Your body language should match your energy level. Pay attention to your gestures and voice when making a point. The same goes for your face; the more expressive you are, the more enthusiasm you project. Find the right balance between positive energy and a relaxed vibe.
  • Don’t be afraid to jump from topic to topic. A good way to keep the conversation flowing is by introducing different subjects. When you feel that you’re about to hit a dead end, shift gears and go back to other stuff you talked about earlier. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Then there are men who think that they need to plan every single detail before talking to a woman. There’s an imaginary flowchart in their heads to “prepare” them for every possible outcome.

Good luck with that.

Sure, it’s good to have a few stories in your routine so you can use them when the moment calls for it. But tripping over yourself from trying to anticipate what she’ll say next is a sure-fire recipe for awkwardness.

It’s not attractive to get stuck in your own thoughts and analyze every word that comes out of your mouth. You’ll look aloof and inattentive, which doesn’t do anything for her emotionally.


Pay attention to what’s in front of you and use the present moment to go with the flow. A little spontaneity never killed a guy!

At this point, I hope I’ve helped you re-evaluate some of your beliefs about attraction. After all, mindset is everything when you’re taking the first step in approaching a woman.

And here’s something else you should be thinking about: men are at risk of losing their testosterone by a certain age.

This loss is directly linked to a man’s ability to attract women. In fact, it makes a guy practically “sterile” no matter how good he is at making conversation.

You can protect yourself from this by learning how to boost your Alpha Sexual Power. Click here to get started.

Stay Alpha…
– Carlos Xuma
Flirt With Women

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