The ONE thing you shouldn’t change about yourself

I often talk to guys who don’t seem to find the happiness they really want from women.

It’s not rare to see these men dating women they’re not absolutely into – while waiting for “That Girl” they’re really dreaming about.

All I have to say to these guys is, “Don’t hold your breath, pal.”

The fact is that this dream woman won’t just magically appear without doing what it really takes.

And so, you’re doomed to have a “lather, rinse, repeat” kind of dating life if you’re unwilling to embrace a simple truth.

And that truth is: Women like guys who act like REAL MEN.

Not some spineless, submissive shell of a person, but an actual MAN who’s not afraid of his masculinity.

Time and time again, you’ll run into these guys who “respect” women so much that they completely stay away from them. This type of guy thinks that showing the slightest hint of attraction or creating sexual tension is somehow unhealthy.

But this couldn’t be further from the truth.


Any guy – or any person with a brain stem for that matter – is hardwired to be attracted to attractive people. Simple as that.

If you want to get a girl you really want, you have to be willing to take that leap of faith to approach a lady AND drop hints – along with some sexual intrigue.

Note that dropping hints doesn’t mean “complimenting” certain parts of her body or being a creep. What I’m saying is that you should grow a pair and talk to a girl, tease her in a fun, non-threatening way and loosen up around them.

If you try to change that part of yourself that drives you to seek potential partners and romantic relationships (a.k.a. Being a Man), then you’re just going to give off a weird “let’s-be-platonic-friends-so-we’ll-be-lovers-later-on” kind of vibe.

Dating just doesn’t work that way.

Case in point: Men who get trapped in the friend zone bring it on themselves because they’re trying to “slip under the radar” by eliminating any hint that he might be attracted to a woman.

Don’t waste your time trying to be her shoulder to cry on when her boyfriend’s being a jerk, act like a Sensitive New Age Guy to get in her good graces, or go shopping with her like you’re one of her girlfriends.

Hey, if you truly want to be friends with a certain girl with no intentions of dating her, that’s perfectly fine.

However, if you are interested in her romantically, then putting on this act will not get you anything aside from a LJBF relationship.

More importantly, DON’T try to change or hide the fact you are indeed, a guy with sexual desires. You don’t have to hit her over the head with this fact, but you don’t have to hide it, either.


Instead, find that happy balance between being friendly and respectful while creating some romantic tension.

Let’s say you approached a woman in a train, made a funny comment about a weird passenger to start a conversation, then complimented her cool T-shirt.

Regardless of how she responds, part of her knows that you’re attracted to her – you approached her after all!

And there’s nothing wrong with that.

So keep it real, stay true to yourself and go get ‘em.

But if you want to have that unfair advantage over other guys, you better make sure your “masculine core” is running at FULL capacity.

It has to do with your testosterone levels – and making it sure it NEVER drops.

My online course “Alpha Sexual Power” is the best way to do this, and you can check it out here.

Stay Alpha,

– Carlos Xuma

confidence with women

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