Confidence: Part 9 – Forgiveness

The problem is that we replay those moments in our head with the new knowledge we have attained since that time. We forget that we did not have that knowledge then. And for that, we must forgive ourselves.

We may have to forgive others for something as well. But I am not one of those that believes we must blindly forgive those who have wronged us terribly. That is a whole other topic!

What we can do, is forgive ourselves for the possibility that we may have caused or contributed to the bad things that happened to us, due to our ignorance of pick up, relationship success, or simply not being a strong MAN.


When bad things happen, do we let them destroy us, or do we learn from them, strengthen ourselves, and go find a sexier, hotter, and more amazing woman? I hope you do the latter. Forgiving yourself for past mistakes is a very positive step toward doing just that.

Once you remove the stigma of your own past, you can clear the way toward your awesome future. So no matter what has happened in your past, tomorrow really is a new day. I am living proof that it can happen.

It was not easy to realize how much I was standing in my own way, but once I truly forgave myself for my past and committed to learning from those mistakes, my future brightened considerably.

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So next time you are reliving some bad memory, asking yourself why you did or did not do something, remember that you are looking at it with smarter eyes this time. You know far more than you did then. Forgive yourself for your prior ignorance.

Learn the lesson, promise yourself that you will always do your best, and thus remove that big ole neon “broken” sign from above your head. Smile and get back out there and prepare to learn a lot more, always.

Go On, Be Strong Spike Spencer, the Dating Sage

female body language

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