Men need protection!

Apparently these little tests are selling for $25 a pop. In Texas they’re going for $30. Apparently
everything is bigger in Texas.

They’re actually talking about this as a way for expectant moms to “make some extra cash…”

Including tricking a man into staying in a relationship he wants to leave.

Not as fraud, mind you.

Or blackmail, extortion or illegal deception.

If a man was doing this sort of thing, we’d be hung up by our toes for a public beating that would
make a UFC fight look like a hug-fest.

Sure, I bet there are some out there that are using it for a prank, but that’s a devious thing to
use as a prank on anyone.

Look, as a man, you’re not given the kind of protection from harm that a lot of women get from us,
so you gotta be careful.

Keep your head clear, and make absolutely sure you choose your woman WELL. It’s the first step in a
life of bliss…

Or a hellish existence that won’t turn out good for you.

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That’s why I created this: Click Here

It’s the only insurance you will ever need to make sure you don’t wind up on the wrong end of a scam
like this.

Or wind up with the wrong woman by your side.

Remember: The single most important decision you will EVER make is the woman you decide to keep…

And there’s only one way to get her: Click Here to Discover How To Train Your Girlfriend…

Stay Alpha…

Carlos Xuma



Flirt With Women

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