She doesn’t deserve you???

Question from a reader:

What does it mean when a woman says she does not deserve you….?



Ah, yes… this is one of those weird little woman-speak phrases that will catch you if you don’t know what’s going on.

And that’s the problem. You don’t know what’s going on.

There are a few reasons a woman would say this, but the bottom line is this:

Believe her!

If you just met her, she’s trying to let you down nice and easy that she’s not into you.

But if you’ve known her or dated her for a while…

She’s probably setting you up to break up with you. I’ve noticed this little phrase is said when she’s either in a complete low self-esteem funk, or she’s done something that’s making her feel VERY guilty.

You should NOT get into a game of trying to boos her self-image or make her feel better. You slam on the brakes and ask her:

“Why are you saying that?”

And get right down to the core of it with her.

You’ll probably either hear that she’s in a pit of self pity and down on herself…

… or she cheated on you.


Flirt With Women

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