New Technologies of Psychology Show You
How to Conquer Shyness, Get Rid of Your Nervousness, Fears, and Anxieties
With Women -
The Secrets to Build BULLETPROOF Self-Confidence & Emotional Self-Control...
Finally, you can learn hidden mental 'Martial Arts' techniques to renew and rebuild your ultimate, rock-solid inner game...
Skyrocket your success with women, increase your social circle, and get rid of your anxious fears once and for all...
FROM: Carlos Xuma
Thursday - 8:54 PM
Dear Friend,
Confidence is the number one concern for every guy I've ever met.
Women want it from us, and guys spend most
of their lives working on feeling it and showing it. And when you don't feel
confident, your life just doesn't feel right.
Have you ever felt: you're destroying your chances with women because you don't have the level of self-confidence you need? you're barely maintaining your level of confidence with women - and sometimes you feel like you're actually back-sliding in your game? your emotions and your feelings make you do crazy things - stuff you can't seem to control?
I know I have, and it's not a fun way to live...
And the worst part of this feeling is that NO ONE in your life ever sat you down and explained just how confidence really works, did they?
You never got a book from your parents on "how to be confident and more sure of yourself." And I know you didn't have a class in school that told you "How to Be Confident With Women."
Most guys have to learn by trial and error.
And more error.
And a lot more error.
Well, stick with me, because there's something else you need to know about how confidence REALLY works.
First, let me ask you this:
- Have you ever messed things up
with a woman you really liked?
- Have you ever approached a woman, only
to have her not respond to you at all? Did you ever feel like you were invisible to
- Have you ever had a girlfriend you adored, but your
level of insecurity and low self-confidence seemed to doom you to the same
outcome - certain breakup?
- Have you ever walked up to talk to a woman
and had her start out smiling and interested, but she gradually seemed
to lose interest, eventually turning back to her friends and ignoring you
until you walked away?
- Have you ever lost your emotional cool
around a woman, only to feel out of control around her, and then she lost
interest and attraction in you because you couldn't stay relaxed...?
- Have you ever felt like your jealousy
takes control over your head and your heart, even when the woman you liked
wasn't even dating you yet?
- Have you ever been out with a group of
friends, and you felt compelled to try to be the "life of the party," because
you thought the "alpha" of the group had to be the loudest, the
funniest, and the one with the coolest banter?
- Have you ever felt like you were 'possessed'
to pick up the phone, or tell a woman your feelings, or "share your
emotions" with
her, only to find out that you scared her away with your gesture? It was
like you knew with your brain that you should
stay in control, but your emotions completely took control of you...
- Have you ever been in a social situation where you felt like you couldn't keep up with the conversation, or really "hang in there" and be very fun, mostly because you were too busy watching your own behavior - trying NOT to screw things up or say the wrong thing?
If you've ever had ANY of these things happen to you, you know that your level of "inner game" - or your self-confidence and "emotional intelligence" - was the one thing you wish you had more of.
If you could just control your fear and your anxieties, all those crazy emotions that make us do things that don't even feel like us, you know that you could improve your success ratio with women. I know how shaky I used to feel with women, and knowing it was my inner confidence holding me back.
And the worst part of this for me was knowing
that - not only was it ME doing this to myself - but the fact that...
Feeling Out of Control is Probably the Most Frustrating Experience for Men...
I think that every guy has had that feeling - almost like being possessed - where you just can't seem to control your emotions, or your own behavior. You know what you SHOULD be doing, but when you try to do it, there's this invisible force that stops you.
This was one of my biggest challenges. I had a bad temper, and I could barely control myself when I was around an attractive girl. I would start acting up - just like a little bratty kid. I could even SEE myself doing it, and KNOWING that it was killing my chances with this girl... but I just couldn't help myself.
And then I went on this massive inner game
"quest" I guess you could call it. I wanted to figure out how to get control
of my confidence, my emotions, and my crazy mind.
What is Inner Game?
Well, it's a pretty fancy term for some of our most important traits as a man.
Inner Game includes things like:
- Self-confidence - Being cool, not needy,
and self-reliant...
- Controlling your fears and emotions - Not losing control
and becoming a train wreck when you are put in situations that are unfamiliar
or charged...
- Control of your thinking - Not getting caught in your
head and stuck in your own thinking... being present-moment focused... Having
inner awareness and self-control...
- Getting rid of anxiety and nervousness - Feeling relaxed
and calm in any social situation... Having good social skills...
- Self-esteem - Feeling good about yourself and liking yourself... Being able to handle criticism and the negative opinions of others... Not needing their approval all the time...
Inner Game can also mean many more things to you. Here are some of the different definitions that guys have told me over the years:
- Inner Game is: Knowing that a woman has
certain expectations of you that you need to live up to...
- Inner Game is: Being relaxed
and natural with women, and not having to "fake it to make it" all
the time...
- Inner Game is: Knowing
you've "got the goods" when it
comes to having value to give to a woman - in conversation, as well as
in your lifestyle...
- Inner Game is: Not feeling
awkward around women or in social situations...
- Inner Game is: Keeping
conversations with women interesting and going where you want them to go -
without ending up as another shoulder to cry on...
- Inner Game is: Getting
past your flaws and frustrations once and for all...
- Inner Game is: Being able
to take the risks you always wanted to...
- Inner Game is: Managing
the peaks and valleys of your confidence level as it goes up and down...
- Inner Game is: Making
things you've already learned about women and all the pieces fall into place
- Inner Game is: Not feeling
disappointed by women and relationships from the past...
- Inner Game is: Bouncing
back from failures and rejections... and not taking them personally...
- Inner Game is: Staying
true to yourself and your identity - not compromising your values and morals
just to get women or get ahead in life...
- Inner Game is: Overcoming
your own internal conflicts...
- Inner Game is: Awareness
and knowing yourself inside and out...
- Inner Game is: Having
a strong grip on your own reality - and not getting caught off guard, no matter
what comes your way!
- Inner Game is: Being the
dominant ALPHA of the group instead of the guy who can't get a word in edgewise
in the conversation...
- Inner Game is: Stop being
so attached to the outcome and just be present-moment focused, having fun and
staying out of your head...
- Inner Game is: Knowing that whatever happens in life, you will prevail and come out on top!
You Can Get All The Phone Numbers And Dates You Want...
If You Don't Have Inner Game, They
Won't Go
Beyond "Let's Just Be Friends..."
I see a lot of guys learning the "48 Second Technique To Get A Woman's Phone Number." Yeah, great stuff, until you realize that this will not guarantee you:
- get her to answer the phone, or...
- get a date with her, or...
- that she'll be attracted to you, or...
- that you will be able to escalate physically with her.
In fact, getting a phone number is only the START of the game.
If you don't have the confidence and psychology mastered in advance, you probably won't even get past the approach - IF you even approach her at all.
And sometimes that knowledge will be enough to give guys approach anxiety right away.
Just imagine what you could do if you knew
you wouldn't be shaken up or rattled by a beautiful woman's attitude...
What do you need to feel in order
get your "Inner Game" handled?
Ultimately, it really boils down to a feeling of control over your own life.
You don't want to feel like other people control your success with women. And you sure as hell don't want to feel like you can't control your own success with women.
Let me ask you something...
You ever try using a line on a woman and have it fall flat - like, dead embarrassing silence flat on its face?
I have, too.
I coach and talk to guys every day that learn a lot of techniques and "lines" to use on women, but they don't seem to work for them.
Why don't techniques and routines work?
Usually because of the level of self-esteem and self confidence of the guy using them.
And, in reality, just by using another guy's
lines and words, you're sending a subtle message to your self-esteem that
the only thing you can do to attract women is NOT be yourself. And that
doesn't increase a guy's inner game.
But Don't You Need Techniques and "Outer Game" Stuff To Attract Women?
YES! You do need them.
And that's why I teach those, too.
I know a lot of guys that would tell you that you don't need techniques - that if you have the inner game confidence, then your outer game is automatic.
Well, that's not always true.
I'm sure you've felt confidence walking up to a woman and found that your tongue was tied and your head got all foggy the second you tried to say something. And I bet it killed your confidence quick, too, didn't it?
So, yes, you absolutely need the techniques and conversational strategies that I teach.
BUT the fact is that you simply cannot run completely on "Outer Game" scripts either - on techniques and routines - all by themselves. Otherwise you end up with game that looks like this:
This is what you don't want...
See that small area where "inner game" and "outer game" intersect? That's weak, wussy game that women can detect a mile away. And thanks to television shows and "pickup artist" stuff, women know all about the routines and openers you use.
That gray outer game bubble is weak and tiny because you're forced to "fake" a lot more than you should have to. And it doesn't take much to pop that bubble.
Now, just imagine what would happen when your Inner Game and your Outer Game are complete and congruent.
Your game would look like THIS:
Big difference, huh?
And let's face it, no one ever explains to you how your mind works - or teaches you how to control and manage your emotions and thoughts.
I went through all 12 grades of regular school,
and another 6 years of college, and I never once did a teacher tell me
how to be more confident. (Especially when I was just a young boy and I needed
it the most!)
NOBODY teaches us this stuff. We're supposed to just "figure it out" all on our own.
It's like looking for a needle in a haystack - of needles!
Let Me Tell You a Story...
I had this girlfriend. Her name was Christina, and I was really into her. She was tall, thin, red hair, and a hot body that just drove me crazy...
Well, that was the problem.
We had been dating about 3 months when I started feeling myself go down that old familiar road of "You're Messing This Up!" You know, when you can't believe you're worthy of this girl, and then you start acting like you're not worthy?
And then along comes "Mr. Self-sabotage..."
First I got drunk at her high school reunion, then I started doing those typical self-destructive things, like calling her too much, and going over to see her all the time.
The bad part was I knew I was being needy and insecure, but I couldn't seem to stop myself. It was like I had a voice in my head telling me that I was messing this up, but I couldn't help but keep doing it!
And then I went and got jealous of how much time she was spending with her other friends. I remember calling her six times one night to tell her how I'd "figured out where I made my mistake" and I was going to change right away.
...And then she told me we needed to take a "break."
In the end, I got dumped. Big time.
This one you might relate to: I was dating another girl, Shelly, for a couple months.
One night I went over to pay her a surprise visit. (Guess who got surprised?)
She wasn't home when I got there, so I waited in the parking lot for her.
Until about 3:00 AM, when I finally realized she was staying the night somewhere else...
With someone else.
BIG ouch.
I fell into a deep depression after all this and went to go see a therapist. It was over 8 months before I got out of it completely.
Yeah, it was BAD. I feel a little sick just
talking about it right now.
But There Is A Happy Ending To The Story...
During this time, I finally found the skills I needed to overcome my emotional issues.
I realized that getting my self-confidence and self-control was the key to taking care of 90% of my issues in my personal life, AND my dating life.
I figured out how I was driving away the women in my life. And I figured out how to hang out with people and just be a cool guy to be with.
It was like getting out of a walk-in freezer to go outside into bright, warm sunshine.
Even better was this sense inside that I could finally RELAX, you know? Stop making all this stuff such a priority and just be able to chill out and not be a nervous head case everywhere I went.
Women Can Read Your Inner Game Like Nobody Else Can...
Something I noticed is that women can be the most irrational creatures on the planet - and they can also read a man's level of confidence better than anyone else.
- She knows when you're approaching
her and feeling nervous and can barely say your name...
- She knows when your self-confidence
is in the crapper because of your last breakup...
- She knows when you suddenly start
needing her approval because you're feeling "shaky" in the
other areas of your life...
She just knows this stuff, and as annoying as it is to have a woman that can read you, it has the ultimate effect of keeping us honest.
Have you ever heard someone tell you that women want "confident" guys?
Only about a milion times, probably.
Well, the last thing you need is to feel like your game is being destroyed by a woman that can see right through you.
What they say is true...
Fix Your Inner
Game And Everything Else
Really Does Take Care of Itself
Something else I discovered as I was coaching men and teaching them some of the secrets of ultimate inner game was that when a guy would finally get focused on the right parts of his personality and his self-improvement, he got good with women.
And I mean SCARY good.
And he usually had no idea WHY this was happening, either.
He'd find that he was not only able to be more relaxed and "in the moment" with women," but he was also able to just come up with the perfect things to say in any situation.
What was happening was that he was unlocking his own Natural Game.
What is "Natural Game"?
Well, quite simply, it's the kind of game a guy has when he's not trying to be someone else. He's comfortable in his own skin, and it shows.
He's not using pickup artist material. He's not being sneaky or trying to hypnotize women with "trance words."
He's just tuned into his own natural ability.
All guys have it, but our inner game doesn't come with an instruction book,
so we spend years and years trying to figure out how it's supposed to work.
Take This Quick
Inner Game Quiz:
Answer each of these questions in your head and add up all the ones you answer "YES" to...
- Do you feel confident everywhere else,
but when you're with a woman you really want it all disappears?
- Are you confident with certain women,
but the 9s and 10s leave you speechless and nervous?
- Are you ever intimidated
by trying to date younger, more attractive women?
- Do you have trouble handling the other more aggressive
guys out there?
- Do you feel invisible to women? Do you
feel like beautiful women shake you up?
- Do you intellectually
know that sex with a woman won't really solve all your problems, but
you still feel driven to pursue it at all costs?
- Do you ever feel "stuck" in
your head? Do you feel like you think more about things than you should?
- Do you frequently feel indecisive? Anxious?
Nervous? So much that it's holding you back from doing things other people
seem to have no problem with?
- Do you know that your knowledge and experience
needs to be put to work in the real world, but you can't seem to find
those steps to "connect the dots" to get started?
- Do you just want to feel comfortable
in your own skin? And authentic to who you are?
- Do you want to be able to express your
feelings and true personality? Free from being judged by other people's
critical eye?
- Do you want to feel like the "prize" that a woman is desperate to win?
If you answered 4 or more questions "YES" in the quiz above, you're like 85-90% of the guys I've worked with - and you're completely NORMAL.
The problem is that most other guys out there would never admit it, so you end up feeling like the weird and "insecure" one.
The secret truth that guys don't know is that most men out there are playing the "fake it" game with their inner game and self-confidence. In fact, 80% or more of the guys that you think of as "very confident" are probably even MORE anxious in their heads than you would believe.
Most guys are "faking it" with women.
First, here's another little secret for you:
Natural Game Is What You Have
When You Finally Master Your Inner Game...
Every one of the guys that I've coached to get their inner game together has made the discovery that his game with women comes easily and naturally when he finds his confidence.
He also finds that:
Conversation comes easy. There are no more uncomfortable silences...
The sting of rejection disappears. Your identity is no longer in her hands...
Women can no longer make you feel inadequate, or hurt your feelings...
You still have that same sense of excitement and thrill when you see an attractive women you want to meet, but you don't feel the invisible grip of fear stopping you from going after her...
You no longer need any "lines" or routines with women. In fact, you start finding the perfect thing to say because you don't have to go out with a "full head" of stuff you never use...
Social situations become incredibly easy... you make friends wherever you go...
You stop losing your emotional cool around women, and you stop feeling like a puppet pulled around by the strings of jealousy and fear...
You feel comfortable and authentic when relating to people, and your anxiety and nervousness disappears...
Your Inner Game Can Mess Up Your Social Life, Too...
Have you ever been out trying to meet people and have fun, or maybe you were just hanging around your friends, and you couldn't seem to feel like you were "IN" the conversation? They seemed to have their little "clique" with each other, but they didn't seem to want to connect with you, no matter how hard you tried.
The fact is that your level of inner confidence also affects how successful you are with your social life and social network, too.
But, the same as dating, your "natural social game" comes automatically when your inner game is feeling solid and stable.
So what are the most important parts of your
inner game to work on?
Here Are The 6 Key Areas Of
A Man's
Core Inner Game
Now I'm going to share with you the 6
key areas of inner game that a man must understand and master.
When you have these taken care of, you'll find that the others
just take care of themselves...
This is one that is probably tops on every guy's list of things he wants to improve.
We want to be confident and secure, and we want to really like who we are as a person. There's really no greater thing to aspire to in our lives.
But HOW do you improve it? It's not one of those things that anyone ever teaches you in school. Heck, even my own dad didn't teach me this when I was growing up and getting picked on by other kids. My parents would tell me to just "not let it bother me." What good is that?
Well, while I was doing some research for this article I found a bunch of news reports about how your self-esteem is pretty much connected to everything in your life - like:
Isn't it amazing how one psychological factor - your self-confidence - can account for such a HUGE part of a man's life?
- Your level of income...
- The amount of satisfaction you get from your frienships...
- Your health - including how often you get sick - and how long you will live...
- Your job security...
- Your happiness...
- The relationship you have with your family...
This is what I wished I'd had when I found myself calling my ex in the middle of the night, or waiting out in that girl's parking lot for 6 hours for her to come home from her other boyfriend.
Self-discipline is that ability to say what you should when you know you should, and - more importantly - keeping your mouth shut when you ought to just be quiet.
Emotional control is one of those things every guy wants when he has a woman that likes to "push his buttons."
And it's something we ABSOLUTELY need when a woman starts testing us. You ever feel your panic start to rise when a woman asks you a test question like, "Do you have a girlfriend?"
A woman's ultimate decision about how she feels about you always comes down to how you control your emotions at a few key and critical moments.
Will you know what to do when the time comes?
The next area of inner game that you have to know is...
You might also call this "How to Change Yourself" - without the burnout and frustration.
This is another skill that no one ever taught us: How to change.
I was brought up in a family that didn't ever seem to change. My dad smoked like a chimney, and he tried EVERYTHING you can imagine to quit. From acupuncture to hypnotism. He kept smoking until the day he died.
My uncle was always getting crappy jobs, drinking like a fish, and doing more drugs than most of the rock bands I was listening to. I listened to his lame excuses for his behavior, and I heard about him trying to rehab every week.
He's in his fifties now and he still hasn't changed. Not ONE BIT.
It's discouraging seeing so many people who never seem to change.
But then I saw other people in my life changing their lives around. I had friends that quit smoking and became respectable and successful.
So I had to figure out what it was that made them different, and why they were able to change when others didn't.
And not just the secret of how to kick one bad habit, because that could just be a fluke. I wanted to know how to change or improve whatever I wanted so that I could be the man I wanted to be.
This is the essence of personal change, and it's one of the most essential skills of inner game to learn. Because without it, you'll never be able to make the others work for you.
The belief and ability to change is crucial to any Alpha Man's skills, as is his sense of...
Look, as guys, we know that losing our hair doesn't mean one bit of difference to who we really are as men. After all, there isn't a special nerve connection from your scalp to the "confidence center" of your brain, so it shouldn't mean anything to us, right?
The way we feel about our appearance impacts our level of self-esteem and how attractive we feel with women.
But why is it that you've seen some bald guys that get a TON of action from women, AND they are more confident than Tom Cruise. What's different about them?
Yup. It's that darn Inner Game again.
These guys know something different about themselves that stops them from seeing the missing hair as being a reason to feel like they are less attractive or less manly.
And they also have the ability to...
This is one area that men don't like to talk about. I know I didn't.
Hey, what guy wants to admit that he's got a fear of women, or feels a sick, anxious knot of heat in the middle of his stomach when he walks up to talk to a woman?
But there are so many guys who run into the brick wall of their own emotions in many different situations.
It's not our fault!
Men simply are not brought up to manage or understand their emotions the same way women are. But emotional intelligence is the number one indicator of your level of happiness, life satisfaction, and ultimate level of success.
The skills to manage our internal state are also incredibly important for when we want to approach women, or when we want to move in for the kiss, or escalate things sexually with a woman.
And, funny enough, this also leads to...
Wait, didn't I say "Inner Game" areas?
Yes, I did. And your social skills fit right into your inner game.
Here's how...
You ever been with a group of your friends when you crack a joke at the right time, you get some big laughs, and suddenly everyone warms up to you? You feel like you're one of the "cool people" in just one moment. You managed to change yourself from 'outsider' to 'insider' with just one quick social move.
Now, tell me that you wouldn't feel like 'The Man' right at that moment.
You would feel on top of the world, wouldn't you?
Your inner confidence increases massively from your OUTER experience.
And THAT is the big secret of inner game.
Your Inner Game does not improve without outer game techniques and successes that complete the circuit for you. Inner Game is like the positive terminal on a battery... you have all this potential, but nothing happens until you connect it to the negative terminal of your battery - your OUTER game.
And this is what I finally figured out after
years of just trying to "read books" and "listen to tapes." Those methods
don't work unless you get something practical you can use to really see
and feel the change in your experience.
The Best News
Is That You Don't Have To "CHANGE" Yourself...
Or FIGHT Yourself.
In fact, if you're trying to CHANGE yourself, you're probably not going to succeed.
The biggest mistake I found guys making was that they were working really hard to "change themselves." And as we all know, changing yourself is a very big task.
But that's only if you're doing it the WRONG WAY.
Let me ask you something - Have you ever heard of Aikido?
It's a very cool martial art.
Yeah, kung-fu, heeee-ya, and all that.
Basically, in this style, what you do is use your opponent's energy against himself. If he tries to hit you, you just step aside and redirect him into a wall, or a door, or down some stairs.
THUNK. Problem solved.
And you only used about 1/100th the energy to end the confrontation than he did to start it.
You might have seen Steven Segal in his movies use this style of fighting.
WHAP! The bad guy is thrown over a bar...
BLAM! The punk is tossed into a car windshield...
FLIP! The villain is launched into the exploding building...
And the hero hardly breaks a sweat.
Well, the brilliant part of the martial art of Aikido is that it's the best philosophy to use in just about every situation you can imagine. Verbal situations and social situations.
Very little energy and effort - and HUGE results.
Stay with me here - this is cool...
Because The Worst Thing You Can Do Is To FIGHT Your Own Self-Confidence... Instead, Work WITH IT.
A lot of guys I've met and coached in the past were always trying very hard to overcome their limitations and self-confidence issues by what I call "bulldogging" it.
Have you ever seen a bulldog get hold of a rag toy? It will chomp down and shake its head and tug and pull... It will usually pull the toy away from whoever is fighting with it.
But here's the real problem: The bulldog only has enough fight in him for a couple of those tug-of-war matches before he's all out of energy. Then it's all over for him.
Men are the same way.
If we take this "grit your teeth" attitude,
we might win the first few rounds against our own self-confidence and self-esteem,
but we usually just run out of energy and give up a short time later.
We give up on our new habits just because they take too much energy to keep
them going!
Enter The Dragon...
Well, not really the dragon, but something very much like it.
Whenever we fight the natual energy of a situation, we usually end up exhausted and beaten.
But when you go WITH it, you get much more done.
You may have heard the saying: "The reed that bends does not break."
Well, that's especially true with your confidence and self-esteem.
In fact - if you FIGHT your own natural tendencies, you will probably take MUCH longer to improve your inner game than if you just got it together. (And there are a lot you have that you might not even know about...)
Using the principles of Aikido on your inner game will make a HUGE difference in your results. And it's this philosophy that allowed me to realize how to get past my own limitations...
Here Are The Two Huge Realizations That Released My Stuck Brakes...
The unfortunate fact is that most guys like you and me want to improve our confidence and Alpha game, but there is so much junk out there that it's like panning for gold in a mountain stream.
TONS of work with very little payoff.
This is why most guys end up bored, frustrated - and they quit. And then they end up settling for less in their lives.
They fight long and hard to get very little results.
All because they didn't have the understanding of "Aikido"
for their inner game.
Here are the BIG realizations I discovered
about my inner game...
My Big Realization #1: If I got just ONE thing out of a book or program that helped me, it was worth any amount of money.
I mean, if some tip helped me get even just a little bit more confident, it was worth the work to find it. It's just like rock climbing - if you find just one place to hold onto that's a bit further up, the next one is now probably within your reach.
Every little bit counts.
I even stopped whining that this or that book/tape wasn't worth the money, and I'd keep everything I got - knowing that there was always at least one secret in it that would help my game.
And I found a LOT of secrets over the years.
And then I had...
My Big Realization #2: My brain is
tricking me and doesn't help me most of the time.
Have you ever been in a moving vehicle, like a car or a train, and you've been riding along for a few minutes. And then you come to a stop, but for some reason it still feels like you're still moving?
It's just like those "optical illusions" you see in books, where your brain can be tricked by a simple pattern on a piece of paper.
Well, I realized after many years of struggling, that my own mind was tricking me in a lot of ways. Like making me think that what other people were thinking of me was good or bad - or that it really mattered at all.
Once I finally understood WHY I thought these things, and - more importantly - what I should be focusing on, I stopped feeling so self-conscious with women and in social groups.
And finally...
My Big Realization #3: If I re-read a book, or listened to a program again, I'd always find 2 or 3 more great strategies that I could use that I didn't hear the first time.
Usually a lot more than that!
I must have read 200 books and listened to another hundred tapes and CDs on self-development. I went through everything I could find out there.
Not everything I read was new to me. In fact, the reality is that most of that stuff only had a couple nuggets of pure gold in them. But inevitably I'd read a book and find one or more new concepts or techniques that really grabbed me.
The funny thing was that those new things I found were there before, but my mind just wasn't ready to find them the first time around. I mean, there were some really incredible insights in there just waiting to be found...
But then I thought, who has the time to go through hundreds and hundreds of hours of programs over and over again like I did?
I don't think anyone wants to "pan for gold" like that.
So after going through most of my notes, my workbooks, and journals, I decided to pull together all the stuff I had on this one topic of self-confidence and inner game into something that any guy could use - and not have to spend months and years learning.
Wouldn't It Be Cool If You Could Compact Months and Years Of Self-Help Work Into Just A Fraction Of The Time?
Look, the reality is that most people simply don't have the time or even the interest in reading hundreds of books and listening to countless hours of self-help programs like I did.
(Honestly, you get a little weird when you go off the deep end learning this kind of stuff. I was a bit strange...)
So I thought, wouldn't it be great if I could just pull all the best tips, tactics, strategies, and techniques I had figured out over the years and just create one giant CONCENTRATED program.
A "super-program," if you like.
I wanted to give you only the skills you need most to conquer your "inner game" and throw out all the garbage and nonsense out there that doesn't work. (Because there's a lot of fluff in most of those programs out there.)
Just like concentrated soap, where a little goes a LONG way.
Well, it took me a few years, but I finally
did it.
It's Time To Make a Deep Internal Shift
A BREAKTHROUGH In Your Thinking...
Have you tried other programs in the past and had difficulties getting the information to "stick" with you?
Or you knew the information was valuable and could work, but you didn't have the "HOW" to do it?
I had the same experience with a lot of the books I read out there. What I discovered was that I wasn't able to keep up the new habits and skills they taught me.
Since I first wrote The Dating Black Book over 7 years ago, I've seen guys making the same mistakes over and over again. Whether it was in bootcamps or seminars, they would inevitably make the same classic error.
Once they saw what they were doing, they were able to get out of their own way and release the "emergency brake" on their energy and power with women. It was a lot like experiencing a giant Tesla coil with lightning arcing across a room.
Women stood up and took notice.
What Is The BIG Error That Most Guys Make?
The error was trying to substitute a "technique" or a "line" to cover up their feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, or nervousness.
What most guys don't realize or find out is that a lot of the "pickup artist" material out there doesn't work if your inner game is weak to begin with. In fact, it's downright damaging.
I'm sure you've seen or experienced this yourself. If you try to use a line on a woman and you don't have the attitude to back it up, she will cut you apart.
The tragedy of this situation is that most guys will never get the success they truly deserve with women... NOT because they are inadequate or can't "change" themselves, but because they don't understand how to use their natural abilities to master their emotions and their thinking.
Your biggest enemy in life is probably your own level of frustration and discouragement.
15 Years of Inner Game Techniques and Skills - Distilled Down to Just the Parts You Need...
I'm a bit of a weirdo...
I've got a passion for self-development and the whole "psychology of achievement" field. I've spent over 15 years reading books, listening to tapes, going to seminars and lectures, watching videos, and doing just about every crazy thing you can think of to stop my worrying and insecurity and self-confidence issues.
Yeah, I've done just about everything you can imagine (from therapists to witch doctors.) And I now know what really does work and what really does NOT work.
Have you ever wanted to know:
- How to experience strong emotions like
love and excitement - and still feel in control?
- How to persist and keep going, even during
those times when you're seeing little or no improvement?
- How to avoid resenting women and feeling
angry with them?
- How to get what you want without feeling
needy and insecure?
- How to switch off that negative voice
in your head that stops you from succeeding?
- What it takes to use all the stuff you've
learned, and keep from forgetting it or losing it?
- Where to start and how to get past your
own internal B.S.?
- How to avoid feeling overwhelmed - and
just know where to focus next to get yourself moving in the right direction?
- How to make all the puzzle pieces
of your game fit together - including that missing piece that you know
is out there and will "click" everything into place?
- How to remain consistent with your inner
game, no matter where you are or who you are with?
- How do you finally start to control that
need to have people like you or care what they think about you?
- How do you deal with the guys that challenge
you or try to lower your status when you're out approaching and meeting
- How to keep your Alpha Attitude and confidence,
even when you're in a relationship? So you can keep her and not
drive her off...?
- How to be authentic and REAL instead of
just another pickup artist clone?
- How to avoid getting stuck in your head,
and just get in-the-moment?
- How your inner game gets communicated
into your outer game?
- How to stop TRYING and finally start DOING?
Now you can have the state-of-the-art
techniques and secrets that I wish I'd found years ago...
My Ultimate Inner Game method shows you the recipes, techniques, tactics, strategies, secrets, tricks, and exercises that will get you un-stuck.
I'm not going to kid you. This home-study program is big - I didn't leave any stones unturned.
But my Ultimate Inner Game system is designed to start raising your overall confidence level in the first 24 hours after you start listening and using the information.
No weird affirmations and weak self-hypnosis, and nothing you can't put to use quickly and easily.
And it's not just good for getting women... It's good for EVERY area of your life you want to feel more confidence and power over your life.
And the best part is that once you conquer your Inner Game, you'll feel the kind of peace that buddhist monks will envy.
And then the rest of your life really will
take care of itself.
Fix your inner game, and your outer game will run like a finely tuned sports car.
Ignore it, and you'll have constant breakdowns and you'll experience the ongoing fear of being stranded and alone by the side of the road of your own life...
Do you ever feel like women have way more control over you than you'd like them to have...?
Do you ever feel like your emotions and your willpower were just out of control - and this was sabotaging your ability to get a girl interested in you...?
Do you ever feel like no matter what stuff you use - pickup lines, and seduction techniques, and all those techniques that other guys used - you still have some element of you that is still not quite "dialed in" ... and if you could tweak this one part of you - you'd really see a lot more improvement with your dating life...?
How Would You
Like To Feel Like You're
100 Feet Tall And Made Out of Solid Diamond...?
Most therapists will keep you "on the couch" for years before you make any significant progress in terms of your inner game and self-esteem, much less any progress with women.
If you've tried EVERYTHING before to get you out of the situation you're in, and you just can't get your situation fixed, or figure out where to go next, this program is definitely for you...
If you feel out of control in your dating life, unable to get a grip on things, or you feel like your situation is hopeless, or that you're trapped or doomed, this program will show you exactly how to get your hands back on the steering wheel of your life...
If you've had a problem dealing with rejection from women, or getting over a tough breakup, this program will give you the clarity you seek, and the ability to raise your self-esteem over this hurdle with ease...
If you've ever dealt with depression, or just getting bummed over your situation, you're going to learn the secrets to turning on your emotional control mechanisms, and snap out of any funk in just a few minutes...
If you've been having problems with your social life, just making friends and being a fun guy that people want to hang out with, I'll teach you the bottom-line skills you must have to destroy your anxiety and increase your social network ginormously...
This Is Your Inner Game - Version 2.0 Through Version 2000...
Here are some of the other things this Ultimate
Inner Game system will show you...
- Understand the complete inner workings of your mind and your thinking - so
that you can get "under the hood" and pimp your inner game ride to do what
you want to do...
- How to re-write the conscious and subconscious "rules" that
you obey - most of the time without ever questioning them - even when they're
no longer working for you - so that you can redirect your destiny and achieve
what you want with women - and with every area of your life...
- One simple hidden technique that takes 10 seconds
and will instantly flush away your guilt, anger, resentment, frustration,
disappointment, fear, or any negative emotion...
- Learn how the 7 Domains of your self-esteem works -
in complete detail - so that you can control the level of your self-confidence
and keep it consistent...
- The secrets your therapist will never tell you about that will get you stronger
inner game in days instead of months and years... (if more guys knew about
this, therapy would be dead...)
- Do you feel like shyness is keeping you from meeting women, making new friends,
and experiencing life? You'll learn about the different kinds of shyness, how
they work, and step-by-step instructions on how to break through the shyness
barrier in your life...
- How to get the right parts of your brain working TOGETHER instead of as enemies,
so that you can stop second-guessing yourself, and find your inner source of
courage and passion...
- How to jump-start your social circle of friends
- in just 3 weeks...
- The Truth about "manifestation" - and how "The Secret" misleads
and tricks most guys...
- Learn the 5 Domains and the 7 Skills of emotional
intelligence, and identify where you need to develop most to master yourself
and your feelings...
- How to master the the 3 Essential Skills of "state change" so that you can
instantly get in a better mood, and motivate yourself to do things you normally
find difficult or impossible to accomplish...
- Why slow changes you make are harder and take more energy than the quick
- The 14 Steps of Emotional and Self-Mastery and the 6 Needs we all share -
When you learn these, you'll be able to unlock any person's motivation and
- How to completely turn off that "worry voice" in your head that keeps you
living in anxious fear...
- 7 Steps to defuse and manage your fear and keep from reacting automatically
to social challenges...
- Want to learn practical, simple steps to getting peace of mind and lowering
your stress level that doesn't take a lifetime to learn? You'll get them in
sections 4, 8, and 10...
- How to recognize your unhealthy thinking when it raises its voice, and how
to prevent it from wrecking your approaches and conversations with women...
- How to ask your woman for things without
sounding like a needy wuss-bag...
- How to fix up the holes in your self-confidence so you can interact with
women on a strong and confident footing...
- The 6 Critical Steps to plan and create real lasting change in your life
- from your identity to your habits to your beliefs and way of thinking...
- The easiest methods for relaxing, clearing your head, getting out of your
head, and getting back in the moment with women - or anyone... With step-by-step,
real-time guidance through the exercises...
- How you inherited bad mental habits and trains of thought, and how to finally
get rid of them without a bunch of therapy and painful self-analysis...
- Simple exercises to identify the places in your life where
you are letting women control you instead of taking the confident LEAD of your
own life...
- Do you ever find yourself making decisions to make people like you more,
or just to not look bad? Here are some simple techniques to clear your head
and get back to the REAL and authentic you that earns their respect and admiration...
- Do you find that women don't seem to be interested
in more dates with you after your first date? Here's why... and it's one
of the easiest parts of your inner game to get tuned up...
- 4 Principles of Thought that show you how feelings, moods, and emotions work...
Once you understand how this part of you works, you'll be able to stop reacting
or feeling influenced by women and social pressure...
- The big mistakes men make with their "panic" and anxiety attacks - and how
to use the emotional energy to build self-confidence...
- How to make any "technique" you've learned work better, faster, and longer
than any of the guys who just learn "the words..."
- How to take "rejection" and "failure" situations with women and turn them
around into something that improves your self-confidence and self-esteem -
without cheezy affirmations...
- How to remove the negative habits you've developed that end up destroying
your relationships...
- Ever wonder how some pathetic guys have no problems meeting women? Why smart
guys have more trouble with women than the "dumb" guys seem to...
- How to get past the need for memorized "lines" and "routines" with women
so that you can project your powerful confidence and masculine identity to
create GENUINE attraction...
- Learn the simple technique to handle the guys that
try to make a fool out of you and tool you...
- How to get past your approach anxiety with women - or any social group -so
that you can quickly and easily walk up to any woman you see and start a conversation,
without fear or nervousness...
- How to avoid the women with issues and baggage and find the women with healthy
psychological patterns - so you can stop going through the torture of relationships
that are doomed before they begin...
- Here is the simple architecture of your inner "self-defense" mechanisms and
how they work - and how they work in other people so you can get past all the
dysfunction and shields...
- You have Inner "Lie" Mechanisms get in your way of
experiencing life and I will explain how our brains naturally deceive us
if we're not careful - and how you can tell when your mind is tricking you...
- Take a complete self-esteem inventory to figure out where you are right now
with your own level of self-confidence...
- 10 Secret Power Tips for handling the rollercoaster ride of your own self-confidence,
and smoothing out the ride...
- There's a powerful 2-step system to manage the "evidence" you get from the
outside world, and when you cultivate this skill - as I will show you in this
section - you'll learn how to break old disempowering beliefs and install new
- You'll learn the 5 Power Questions that immediately re-frame your experience
and turn any situation back to your control - no more anger and frustration
when life doesn't go your way...
- The Secret 2-Step Method and the Three Questions that enable you to channel
your energies to the right parts of your life - and these are questions you
are automatically answering every minute of every day without even knowing
- Simple psychological tricks to destroy your anger
and anxiety and never be a
slave to your emotions again...
- A common misunderstanding that locks almost all men
into a state of low self-esteem their whole life… and it's completely
simple to break out of when you know the secret...
- How to turn your negative emotions and energy into positive self-esteem -
without having to act or "fake it 'til you make it..."
- How to break free of needy, insecure "little boy" behaviors that scare away
women, and finally take on your Alpha Masculinity...
- How to get past the old patters of obsession, anger, frustration, anxiety,
and negative states that keep your game with women from really moving forward...
- How to change the parts of you that you want to change, without feeling like
you're being fake or deceptive with women... or double-crossing yourself...
- How to stop beating yourself up over and over again for things that are in
the past, and start to recognize and focus on your future...
- The 11 Mind Traps that create social anxieties, and how to get past this
with simple secrets that anyone can learn and use in just minutes...
- How to look approachable, be friendly, start a conversation, cultivate strong
friendships, and stop feeling "weird" around other people, or that you are
the "different" one...
- How to manifest a strong and confident body
language, without going further up in your head...
- How to have the confidence to walk up
and talk to anyone, anywhere, without worrying about approval or being
rejeted... No more inferiority complex!
- How to be your own life coach - rely on yourself more and be more
emotionally resourceful - with the skill to solve your own problems and
be your own best friend...
- How to "talk yourself down" from
your bouts of anxiety and fear so that you can kill that voice in your
head that's keeping you from doing what you know you need to do...
- How to overcome a woman's tests without
feeling like the rug was just pulled out from under your feet, staying grounded
and calm...
- How to avoid freaking out with a woman
when things get sexually charged - and especially when you REALLY like
- How to control your state and leverage
"Aikido" principle of moods so that you never get stuck in the
downward spiral of depression ever again...
- How to put yourself in the right state
so that you keep conversations going with ease and never have to deal with
"shy and quiet" part of you making things boring and awkward
ever again...
- How to put yourself fully in the driver's
seat of your own life so that you get the results from your life that you
want - financially, sexually, spiritually, socially...
- How to awaken your masculinity to become
a complete and whole Alpha MAN...
- How to naturally jack up and increase your
mental, emotional, and physical energy every day by engaging your natural
- How to handle negative self-talk and stress
in your life, with cool, calm composure...
- How to impress anyone you meet with the
solidity of your character and the power of your presence and confidence...
- How to "switch off" the negativity in your
thinking and substitute it with more realistic "positive" thinking
- without coming across like an annoying happy dancing monkey...
- How to stop ruminating over past events
and the bad things that happen to you so that you can free your mind up
to new accomplishments and opportunities...
- How to figure out which "inner voice" you
can pay attention to, and which one you should ignore... And how to stop
over-analyzing everything...
- Have you been learning a lot of "seduction
techniques," but now you feel like you've lost touch with your real
authentic personality? Learn how to get back to your natural self...
- How to get rid of that constant feeling
of being watched and judged by other people when you go out and interact
with women - or with anyone!
- How to win friends and influence people
- for the new millenium... updated strategies to increase your personal
charisma and social intelligence...
- How to adapt to changing social situations
on the fly - so that you can be a social chameleon...
- How you are 'blinded' to your own inner
game issues, and how to take off the blindfold that's keeping you in the
- The principle of compounding energy in
your inner game - how slight improvements create massive increases in
energy and results...
- The secret "universal mistake" in thinking
that all humans make - and when you learn this, you'll immediately know
why your thinking gets in your way of confidence...
- How your moods and your natural need to
worry and "stress out" get in your way and become addictive traps...
- Shortcut through therapy - a quick and
easy breakdown of the 3 environments that shaped your personality, and
how to break free from the negative limitations of your upbringing...
- The simple physiological and biological
explanation of your mind's most basic automatic defenses and systems, and
how you are naturally wired to succeed - with the right inner game skills...
- Why "just do it" and "be confident" is
the worst kind of advice - and why you are beating your head against a
wall when it comes to self-improvement - and how to tear down that wall...
- How and why your habits seem so hard to
break or change, and the secret method you can leverage change to make
breakthrough changes in your habits in just a short time...
- Why we get "stuck" in relationships that
seem to be going nowhere when we see opportunity all around us...
- Why therapy and digging into your past
not only doesn't work to help you change or "get over" issues, but in fact
makes them even worse - and how to avoid this "Therapy Trap..."
- Learn the blueprint of how your mind works,
and the three simple parts that make up your identity... and how to override
those automatic impulses you get that seem to control your behavior against
your will...
- The Six Questions to understand about
your parents and how they brought you up so you can reconcile your past
and get on with your future...
- How to recognize and stop your natural
mental bad habits from starting, and how to get rid of the hesitation
and anxiety that your negative thinking creates...
- The single most important attitude and
element of inner game that a man must master - and how it impacts your
sexual success, as well as every part of your life - from the car you drive
to the women you date... AND the single most important factor that can
shift the balance of power...
- The 5 Useless insights of the
pickup community - including the "Magic Bullet" Myth, and how
you avoid falling for bad advice when you hear it...
- How your mind works, how your mental "automatic pilot" functions
- and how you can re-program yourself for the behaviors you want... as
well as get rid of bad habits that seem to stick with you forever...
- The reason why most self-help programs don't seem to work, and how
you can get past this trap so that you can enable yourself for change
and happiness...
- Your "Outrage Script" - The one mindset that holds you back from success
with women, as well as almost every other area where you aren't living
up to your full potential, and how to shut it down...
- The 3 Hidden Pickup Artist Traps - How a lot of the "attraction" and
"seduction" information can hold you back from a healthy and natural
'vibe' with women - and keep you from a positive social network...
- The 2 Automatic Questions - the natural interpretation drive of your
mind, and how you can get much better results in your life by taking
control of these questions...
- The "Mistake" Rule of Life - The one kind of mistake
you need to make about yourself to realize your full potential - and
the ONE conviction you must develop...
- Learn the 10 Metaprograms that determine your results and your mind-model,
and how you can use these to reach faster and stronger rapport with women
in any conversation...
- The 4 Ways your expectations are turned into reality in your life,
and what you need to do to short circuit the power of "self-fulfilling
- The Power of Your 5 Stories - how your inner mental dialogue creates
your experience, and how to "re-write" your story to create the ultimate
driving force in your life... And how communicating this story to women
will keep her glued to you...
- The 3 Steps to gain control of your inner voice - and the 10 skills
that give you the inner power of purpose, truth, and action...
- The 4 Energy Types you must understand, control and increase to beat
your negative addictions, and lead a healthy and positive life...
- How to manage and leverage your natural emotional, mental, and physical
cycles to get rid of negativity and fatigue...
- How to avoid constantly beating yourself up over things you KNOW you
should let go of...
- How to keep yourself sane and stable in the dating world right now - so you don't have to work out all your inner "issues" first to get success with women...
Are You Ready For An Offer You Simply Can't Refuse...?
No One Has Ever Delivered THIS:
As you can see, I've packed in just about every conceivable part of inner game in this program. I left no stone unturned.
But in case I didn't put in what you need....
To be absolutely sure that the program meets your requirements, if you find a topic that has NOT been addressed in the program that you need, simply email me at my special Hotline To Carlos Link, and let me know - and I will CREATE additional content to make sure your questions get answered.
I can't possibly imagine that I haven't covered it all in this program, but if I missed something you need, you've got a solid guarantee that you will get it answered.
How's THAT for an offer you can't refuse?
I'm Adding In A Special Bonus...
There's one more area of a man's inner game that he must have taken care of or he will not succeed over the short - or the long term. And that area is:
Wouldn't it be great to have the ability to "coach" yourself? To be your own voice of support and guidance, rather than always having to rely on new programs every few months? Look, I spend a lot of time focusing on helping guys and making each program I offer the definitive guide.
But it's also easy to be lured into buying more and more programs just in case you missed anything.
Well, first of all, you won't miss anything here. This is my last program on self-confidence that I intend to create.
But even more important than this, you probably just need the ability to coach yourself.
There will be situations around the corner that you're not prepared for. That's how life is.
But wouldn't it be great if you could just change your own strategy - all by yourself - to tackle any unforseen challenges?
Wouldn't it be great to be your own Life-Coach?
Well, in this program, I decided to include my special program on self-coaching and creating your own life strategies. I was going to create a separate program for this, but I decided it made more sense to include it here for you.
You'll learn:
How to balance your own needs with others in your life so that you can be truly generous and giving...
How to be "selfish" in the right way that gives you more energy, creativity, and get past your own limitations...
The 10 Areas of Self-Coaching to focus on, and how each of them contributes to your overall confidence and sense of power...
How to build a "super reserve" of resources, energy, satisfaction, and get rid of all your worries and fears in the process...
How to manage your time realistically and simply so that you can finally throw out that day planner and get things done...
How to formulate a complete, day-to-day strategy for living that serves your passion and purpose, and the critical parts of a complete Alpha Man action plan...
And much more...
And ANOTHER Very Special Bonus...
There's another area of inner game that guys ask me about a lot, and I usually get it in the form of this question:
"How Can I Date Younger Women?"
Well, the game of dating younger women is actually a BIG Inner Game hurdle for a lot of guys. After all, if you're attracted to younger women (who isn't?) then you want to get rid of that feeling that you're a "creep," or some kind of "dirty old man."
Let me assure you, dating younger women is not only a good thing, it's easier than most guys realize. This is a huge inner game challenge for a lot of guys out there, and it's one that I completely cover in this 63 minute advanced Inner Game session.
You'll learn:
Why guys have such a hard time with both their inner AND outer game when it comes to approaching and getting girls that are younger than them - and what to do about it...
How to open a conversation with a younger woman, as well as What you should talk about with younger women with my "media walking" method...
What women are really looking for when it comes to age, and how you can easily "bypass" any objections to age a woman might have...
My solid gold reframe letter that will change your thinking instantly as to the perception of women's age and how old is "tool old" for a guy...
How to handle the social stigma of age differences between men and women, and why certain cultures consider it "wrong" or "inappropriate" for an older man with a younger woman...
Learn the advantages to dating (and perhaps marrying) a younger woman - as well as the inner and outer game strategies to attracting women who are 10, 20, or more years younger than you...
Two ways that older guys ruin their chances with younger women - and how to turn these around so that YOU qualify the woman, and you maintain a confident and powerful attitude...
What is it that women are looking for in an older man? Find out in this bonus session...
Here's What You Get:
Here is everything you get with the Ultimate Inner Game - Total Self Confidence & Social Success system:
10 Ultimate Inner Game Modules... Hours of material covering every aspect of your inner game with women, and your confidence in every part of your life.
AND: 2 Bonus Master Class Sessions...
12 Ultimate Inner Game Training Modules VALUE: $249.97
This is my special inner game training video presentation on Advanced Inner Game that I gave to a closed-room audience here in San Francisco. In this video, you'll learn:
VALUE: $59.97
VALUE: $59.97
Sometimes you need a written reference to look through and remind you of just the important points. Or maybe you want to know where that one part was that you missed and you want to find it again to review... Or you just listened to it in your car and you couldn't take any notes... Well, I'm not just giving you the audio program - I actually sat down and transcribed all the key ideas and most important points for you into a 253 page reference e-book for all 12 of the main modules in the Ultimate Inner Game program. And I'm even including a learning plan to map your precise path through the program in the best way possible... VALUE: $79.97
BONUS 4: TEN Master Class Sessions... You'll get the best inner game advice, techniques, and strategies from some of my most respected colleagues - and experts in the area of Ultimate Inner Game:
And more! Here are the Bonus Experts
From the Master Class When I first realized that I needed to create a complete and "ultimate" program on inner game, I knew there were about 3 people that I absolutely had to get to contribute. But when the word got out, about TWENTY different gurus wanted to add some of their insights in. In the end, I had to eliminate all but the very best and make sure they had a spot in this program. And each of them gives you some excellent and focused coaching on developing your inner game to the next level. This is not some kind of sneaky material that just hints at good content and then tells you to click some link, either. I made absolutely sure that the information they gave was balls-out FANTASTIC. Here is what you'll get in the bonus Master
Class section of the Ultimate Inner Game program...
BONUS 5: The Dating Younger Women Advanced Session Carlos Xuma with Dean Cortez...
Let's face it, guys want to date young, attractive women, and there's nothing wrong with that! You'll find out in this session:
VALUE: $39.97
BONUS 6 - 11: The Inner Game Interviews Series... Carlos interviews some of the top names in dating advice and seduction skills for men, giving you a look at how they think, and what they do to build their confidence and self-esteem, and then how it applies to the world of dating women and you living the Alpha Lifestyle. You'll get over 12 hours of concentrated advice and techniques from top gurus in the field. ![]() BONUS 6: Brent Smith Interview
VALUE: $39.97
![]() BONUS 7: David Wygant Interview
VALUE: $39.97
![]() BONUS 8: Decker Cunov Interview - from A.M.P. My good friend Decker from the Authentic Man program reveals some of the most startling inner game techniques and revelations I've ever talked about in this program. We discuss "quantum leaps" in awareness and growth in your game, and how to build up your confidence, as well as VALUE: $39.97
![]() BONUS 9: "Doc" Amir Georges Sabongui Interview Doc is one of the most beloved of all the guys in the men's dating and social advice field. In this interview, Doc gives up his secrets to how he found himself alone and depressed at home and turned his life around to have nearly 100 people at his birthday party. He'll share his strategies for completely turning your social life around. VALUE: $39.97 ![]() BONUS 10: Zan Perrion Interview
VALUE: $39.97
![]() BONUS 11: Sean Stephenson Interview Sean Stephenson makes a second appearance on this program, mostly because of the high level of focus he puts on inner game and confidence. He's interviewed me on the topic of inner game, and I got my chance to talk to him about his perspective on this when we talked about
VALUE: $39.97
BONUS 12: Unlimited support and updates for the life of the program... From time to time, I like to make sure all the parts of the program are in the right order, and all the necessary exercises are included. Any future versions and updates of the Ultimate Inner Game program will be sent to you - free of charge! VALUE: $49.97
BONUS 13: Access to my exclusive members-only NEW Alpha Man Power Forum There you'll be able to exchange techniques, tips, and advice with the other Alpha Men on topics ranging from building your confidence, to how to meet women, to health and fitness. I will even post answers to questions and conduct surveys and polls and help directly with your problems. This is one community that you absolutely must be a part of! VALUE: $49.97
BONUS 14: 4 Total Advanced Coaching Sessions An additional 440 Minutes of additional Dating and Lifestyle advice, covering all the ins and outs of dating and attracting women, and handling tricky social situations. From communication and conversation, to building confidence and self-esteem, this program covers EVERY area of developing your Alpha Lifestyle... VALUE: $124.85
Extra Master Class Modules... I'll be sending out special advanced audio training modules from time to time on topics related to inner game, and you're going to get every one of them. Over the next few months with the program, I'll also be sending you additional training audios that cover deep inner game problem solving, as well as some special surprise guests and bonus information. VALUE: $79.97
When I used Carlos' program, the reasons became clear why I was struggling with my inner self. You've now provided me with the tools and the explanations, and moreover, a way out of the Pandora's box of my negative thinking habits.
Specifically, I just feel greatly relieved. Now I can focus on just being happy and living in the moment - I still have work to do, however it is getting much easier. Falling bacvk on old thinking patterns now becomes a realization that I'm choosing to think and feel this way.
I'd tell guys to take a look at this program if they truly want their inner game issues handled.
Thank you, Carlos! Now I have the motivation to move towards my goals..."
- Chris Hascomb, Louisiana
I'm sure you're wondering by now how much this program is, and if you can afford it. Well, the good news is that EVERY guy out there can afford it. I've made this a completely digital download for you, saving you a lot of money on the 35 or so CDs and DVDs that I'd have to create to hold all this stuff.
Instead, you can just download it right now and begin working on your inner game right away.
The total value of this program is $1214.40...
But as part of my initial
launch of this program, I'm going to discount the list
price of Ultimate Inner Game over $800, and I'll even give you...
My Crazy 365 Day "I'll Buy
it Back!" Guarantee
I'm never satisfied unless you are more than satisfied.
So here's my simple "No Small Print" guarantee. Try the "Ultimate Inner Game" program today and put it to the test. Use every strategy and technique as many times as you'd like for 12 full months.
That's right. A whole freakin' year.
Take your time to use the program completely.
You be the judge. If this program doesn't deliver everything I've promised, or if you're unhappy with it for any reason, just return it and I'll immediately buy it back from you.
My fulfillment company almost refused to work with me on this, and I had to guarantee it with my own money so that we could launch this program.
You see, I have no problem making this iron-clad guarantee because I've personally used and benefitted from these strategies and techniques, so I know they work. I've been using them for the last 15 years, and these are the most valuable techniques with respect to inner game that you can find. Anywhere!
Fair enough?
Only 500 Copies Will Be Sold At The Early Bird Price
When I finished this version of the Ultimate Inner Game program, I was bound and determined to set the price to $397.00. (It's a ton of work...) But so many people have already read about it, and have seen the special price that I didn't feel right raising it without warning.
So, I decided to release the first 500 copies for...
(or 3 payments of 55.66)
I'm keeping the price this low for the people who have already read the details. As soon as these 500 copies sell, this edition will go up by at least $50 to $100 - OR I will probably have to remove the free updates and many of the bonuses.
I'm literally losing money every day I give away the bonus package for free, so if you return to this page tomorrow and find that it's pulled from the site, don't call or email me requesting it for free.
You've been warned, so please no "cry babies" if you procrastinate.
Let's Get Started...
Click on the "Get it now" button
below to join now to get instant access to the "Ultimate Inner
Game program - Total Self Confidence & Social Success,"
the Inner Game Bonus modules, and the Advanced Coaching Insiders program
- everything you saw on this page.
Do This Next to Claim Your Copy:
1. Click on the orange button below to be taken instantly to our 100% secure online order form.
2. Fill out the short form and in just 2 short minutes you will be able to download your copy of the Ultimate Inner Game Program, along with all the bonuses. Instantly. No waiting for the CDs to ship. (And you can get a backup DVD if you want it, too...)
3. Watch your email for the confirmation and instructions to download.
FYI: Your free bonuses will be included in
the same package.
Click the orange button below to get started now...
If you're not happy with where you are right now, your level of self-esteem, or your inner confidence level, you now have a way to finally take care of this for good.
If you don't take action and get started now, here's what's going to happen - You will:
- Struggle day to day with your inner game
- Remain shy and socially awkward
- Lose yet another day, week, month or year without seeing things change at all...
And you'll also:
- Lose the opportunity to receive the valuable bonuses
with this program...
- Risk not being one of the Early Bird members and pay
more later on...
- Lose your chance to get on the Fast Action Bonus Teleseminar...
You know, my father used to tell me that the definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results. Isn't that true?
Are you doing the same things over and over? Well, you're very likely going to keep getting the same results.
P.S.: Going at it alone is not the secret to success. I know from personal experience. My inner game took a dramatic turn for the better when I found a mentor who was willing to coach me in my early development. That same opportunity is now open to you.
Take my hand right now and I'll lead you (even drag you if need be) to success in the process of creating bulletproof inner game.
What excuse could you possibly have for waiting? Claim your copy of Ultimate Inner Game right now. CLICK HERE.
P.P.S.: Remember you have nothing to lose. Ultimate Inner Game is 100% guaranteed to work for you or I will insist you take your money back. You've got 365 DAYS - a whole YEAR to try it and use it. This program is the only complete multi-media course available that explains the real nuts-and-bolts of SOLID self-confidence.
The risk is squarely on my back. There's no easier and faster way to learn BULLETPROOF self-confidence and MASSIVE inner game - with women, your boss, your family - or with ANYONE.
So what's holding you back? CLICK HERE.
P.P.P.S.: If you're tired of just getting by, getting kicked in the teeth over and over again, and feeling sick to your stomach over the opportunities you're missing out on every day, and then getting no respect - maybe right now is the time to decide to kick some ass...
Take my hand right now. All the excuses are gone. CLICK HERE to get started NOW.
A year from now, you'll be looking back on this as one of the most enriching and life-changing experiences of your life. You will be well on your way to building the massive self-confidence and inner game you deserve to have - no matter what limitations you had growing up! "Ultimate Inner Game" gives you everything you need to create the life you want for yourself that you have put off.
NOW is your time.
Ultimate Inner Game Success Stories "I had purchased Ultimate Inner Game a while ago. And ever since I have been trying to think of ways to say thank you. I am halfway through the program now but I still can't find anything that would expres the amount of gratitude I have for you putting that amazing program together...
"Are you ready for a success story?!?!... I just have to say THANK YOU dude, you are the greatest, I have been using your Inner Alpha Game audio tapes and they have elevated my game beyond imaginable levels.
"[Before I found Ultimate Inner Game] ...I was pessimistic, easily angry, nervous and awkward around people and ESPECIALLY attractive women, doubting myself, low self-esteem you name it
"My situation before I found [Ultimate Inner Game] program was I had spent many dollars on counseling trying to undo the garbage from the past without much success. I have committed at least 1/2 hour a day to this course and already I am beginning to feel the difference...
"I gotta tell you man, this is some really cutting edge stuff you got here! I watched the 2 preview videos... and it took me 2 watches to really GET IT... but boy, was that an eye opener! First time I watched it, it got me thinking. Then the second time about a week later, it really clicked, and I was literally blown away by the whole concept of inner game not really existing, 'me' as a fluid concept, and the 'that was the old me' mental exercise... it's never been this clear before! I know you talked about these concepts a lot here and there, but you really put it together extremely well in this one video, and it was never as clear before! ...I have no doubt this is one of the best things you've ever released (and that's saying a lot!). thanks for all the awesome work you do man! :)"
"My situation before I found this product was I was actually looking for Inner Game training... I prefer you because strike me as being genuine and a little bit more moral than the others.
"My situation before I found this product was that I was a shy, conservative guy who didn't have a good amount of friends and I often had anxiety in social situations or before approaching women.
"What I like about you and your programs so much is that I never feel duped from your products. I always feel I get my money's worth ten fold. I truly feel that you are one of the few advisors that care a great deal about trying to help guys improve the quality of their lives. I thank you for that..."
"I've read your materials and I have to admit, that you´re wise man. WISE MAN... I've heard/and give many dating advice, but they were covering just the part of the big picture...."
"I have to say your programs are the best and I researched the different sites... No one has sh*t on you dude this is exactly what we need I am going to get all your programs and study my assssss off."
"AWESOME!! Carlos Xuma is right on! ... This guy is more than a dating guru! He almost can be your psychologist. He's basically a life coach!"
"I own all your programs, DVD's, Ebooks, audio coaching etc.... They are FANTASTIC! They have also made an improvement in my life... I must admit I love all your programs, not only because they have enhance my life, but the psychology behind all your analysis... I don’t look as you as a therapist, however I find you incredibly gifted with life experiences... "
"I will be in business with you guys for a very long time for your products..."
"I found more and more women interested in me without having to try ... my girlfriend got more and more interested in me because of my alpha attitude..."
"My situation before I found this product was... mired in pessimism and negative thought about my present situation. I had alot of information and technique, but I could never get it to work effectively...