How to meet women
Why is it so hard to meet women?
Well, I've got an interesting answer to this question, and you're going to be very surprised at the answer.
A lot of guys assume that it's really hard to learn how to meet women. But let's look a little closer at WHY they feel this:
#1 Reason It's Hard To Learn How To Meet Women: "Where are all the single women?"
Well, it's tempting to believe that all the single women are hiding out in a witness protection program out there, but they're not. They're hiding in plain sight.
You walk by them every day on the street.
You see them every day at work.
There are approximately 90 million single people in the United States alone.
That means 45 MILLION women! (Insert Dr. Evil laugh here...)
Single women are literally EVERYWHERE. What men are really asking when they're wondering how to meet women and how to find women is this:
"Why aren't all the single women obviously waiting for me and beckoning me over to meet them?"
Sound funny? Yeah, it is a little.
But it's true.
We want women to give us some kind of indicator as to their availability AND their willingness to meet us.
Why? So that we don't have to RISK anything by walking up to women and finding out for ourselves.
Hey, it can be tough to approach women. All that risk of rejection.
But here's the truth that most guys don't know about how to meet women that will give you some INSIDE intelligence as to what's going on with women.
SECRET CLUE: Women are programmed to never make themselves appear too "single" and available.
Huh? WTF?
Yes, it's true. Women have a built in mechanism that keeps them from making it too obvious that they're single and interested in meeting guys.
It's called the "slut complex." This is the part of her that is always avoiding any possibility of being labeled a "slut" by other people. This is part of a woman's socialization. And it's a defense mechanism she learned all the way back when she was a teenager.
And you can also add on top of this the fact that women NEVER want to feel desperate. If she works too hard to get a man (hell, if she works at all) she will feel desperate.
So if women are trying to be all coy and clever about giving off "single signals" - how the hell is a guy supposed to meet her?
This leads me to...
#2 Reason It's Hard To Learn How To Meet Women: "I have to APPROACH her?"
The reality is this: Women don't approach men.
Think about it. How many times have you ever seen a woman approach a man?
She doesn't approach men (or even make it easy for us) because that would appear A) desperate, and B) possibly slutty.
Here's something else: Women read signals much better than men do.
So women always make the classic mistake of giving a MUCH smaller hint than guys need.
From her point of view, batting her eyelashes at you and smiling at you is about as far as she's going to go. She assumes that you're going to be able to figure it out and make an approach based on that ... uh, signal.
The rest, my friend, is up to you.
Simply put, she OVER compensates, and men UNDER interpret.
It's no wonder that women never look "available" or "single" to us.
So if you want to know how to meet women, you need to actively and assertively go after what you want.
Partly because this is what makes you a man - but also because this is what will open a women up and tell you that she's actually available.
Women are DYING to meet men out there!
I conducted a poll of single women recently, and they told me something SHOCKING:
42% of them are almost NEVER approached by men.
21% of them said that they see a lot of "almost" where a guy wants to but talks himself out of it. (Yes, women can actually tell when you do this.)
That's 61 percent of women saying that they are single, and they are NOT getting approached - and they WANT to be approached!
In fact, only 16% of women in my survey were getting approached 1 or more times per day.
Imagine what kind of women you could have if you knew how to get past your fears...
In fact, isn't knowing this fact enough to get you past them right now?
Wouldn't it be great to learn how to read the signals and learn how to meet women - SINGLE women - that are all around you every day?
Most guys don't want to meet their next girlfriend in a bar, or a noisy overpriced nightclub. It's not fun, and it's not a good way to find a quality woman.
The reality is that your next girlfriend is out there waiting for you to find her - and she's not in a bar or club.
And for you to meet her, you have to learn the skill of "Day game..."
Listen to what this student says:
"I got your Real Alpha Daygame course... and it is dynamite... it is awesome, it is right on the money... I have learned more with this than I have EVER... I'm getting - making out with someone that I just met... having fun and flirting..." - Don - St. Louis, MO
Go take a look and learn how to meet women. On that page I go on in detail about approaching women everywhere!
Your friend,

Carlos Xuma
PS:If there has ever been a time that men are confused about what women want from them, and struggle understanding women - it's NOW. Maybe your dad wasn't there, or he wasn't a strong role model, or you just want to learn the ancient secrets of manhood that he didn't teach you.
Now you can! CLICK HERE to learn more about the how to meet women and approach women system
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and an overview of REAL Game, click
more products that I recommend for Alpha Men,
take a look at my recommendation page HERE. |