The first step for any man who wants to kickstart romance
in his life is to discover how to meet women. Unfortunately
we all get caught up in our habits of not looking beyond
the places we normally go to meet women. As a result,
we miss out on the best methods.
Of all the dating tips for guys that will get you the
most success with women, it's learning how to meet women wherever you go.
I'm going to reveal 3 dating tips for guys on how to
meet women...
Dating Tips for Guys: Secret 1 - Meet all kinds of women...
One of the big mistakes guys make is that they don't
try to meet women wherever they go - even if these aren't
women that they would necessarily date. In his head,
he thinks: "Why would I want to go meet someone
that I don't intend to date?"
Well the reason why is that most guys wait until they
see a woman they WOULD like to meet, and by then their
approach anxiety kicks into high gear. Since they haven't
approached ANY other women, trying to approach this one
that really matters to them is now nearly impossible.
By meeting women and talking to women wherever you go,
you reduce that anxiety so that it's actually easy to
start conversations with people all the time. And when
you do finally see a woman that you'd like to go further
with, you'll be ready and rehearsed on how to meet women
like her.
Dating Tips for Guys: Secret 2 - Use Confidence...
Women always tell guys that they need confidence. If
you ever read those women's magazines like Cosmopolitan,
their dating tips for guys always say to "have confidence," "Confidence
is a big turn-on..." Etc.
But they seem to always
leave out WHAT women are looking for in confidence.
Here's a BIG dating tips for guys secret that you absolutely
must remember:
Confidence is simply a peaceful state
of mind.
That's it!
There's no real trick to confidence other than keeping
yourself calm and relaxed when you learn how to meet
women or talk to women. Breathing slowly, moving slowly,
and talking slowly will demonstrate that you're feeling
cool, calm, and confident to women.
Dating Tips for Guys: Secret 3 - ABC...
I remember this lesson my old sales mentor once told
me. He said, "ABC! Remember to ALWAYS be closing..."
The same thing applies in dating tips for guys about
how to meet women. If there's anything you must start
doing it's closing your conversations with women by getting
their phone numbers and contact information. You can
also ask for an email address, or get her Facebook.
Most guys will shy away from this because they don't
want to hear her (possibly) refuse them.
What most dating
tips for guys won't tell you is this: The reality is
that most women would never refuse to give a guy SOME kind of contact information. Heck, even if it's a fake
number, you will almost never have to deal with a woman
that tells you to get lost. She doesn't want to reject
you any more than you want to be rejected.
But there's a more important reason for doing this than
you might realize. Not only do you need to overcome your
fear of rejection, but you want to get used to sending
out a very clear message to women. That message is that
you are a healthy, confident, red-blooded man - and you
expect women to want to talk to you again - and meet
up with you again.
One of the most unattractive things to women is a man
who will not show her his interest because he looks too
afraid to get "rejected." The ironic thing
is that by making it clear that you don't care about
rejection, the less women will reject you.
The best dating tips for guys I can give you
is this:
Get her phone number and her email, whether or not you
intend to call her ever again. Just ask for it like it's
no big deal - because it isn't. The more you get used
to doing this, again the more you'll be read for when
that special woman comes along.
The most amazing dating tips for guys secret is that
if you just ASK a woman for what you want, chances are
you will get it.
And if you want respect and attraction
from any woman in your life, you
need to know the stealth strategies that
trigger a woman's primitive desires. Because
when you have confidence with women, you
can say anything to her and she will feel
attracted to you, respond to you - and respect
I've got a new free CD you
can get right now that will give you the girlfriend
you want - without any compromise or pain.
Go get your free CD here: How
To Flirt And Talk To Women Free CD
Talk soon...
you confidence and success with women - With HONOR and

Carlos Xuma
PS: You might
be reading this right now, just happy to be
entertained with the information I'm sharing.
But I want more than this for you.
I want you to get REAL results
with women.
Stop pretending everything
is "fine."
Stop walking away from situations
that make you nervous - like approaching a
woman, or asking her out.
Stop letting the outside
world stop you from being the man you want
to be...
Really, the time for denial
and mediocrity is over.
Make a decision that today
is the day things will change forever for you.
Go here now and learn how to
make that change:
To Flirt And Talk To Women Free CD