3 Secret Strategies For
Today we're going to tear a page out of my guide to understanding women, and talk about the simple things
you can do to help you date women and get results.
guys are confused about what women want, and having a
simple guide to understanding women makes it much less
complex to know what to do - and when to do it.
Here are a few bits of dating advice for guys that will
help you understand women - and attract women with ease...
Guide To Understanding Women - Secret Strategy 1: Get
her excited and curious BEFORE you try to connect with
Again, a common mistake guys make is to go straight
into trying to find out what you both have in common
before they realize that this is all they have. In order
to get a woman really attracted to you, you MUST get
her feeling excited and curious about you first. If you
go the other way around, you'll wind up with a friend
instead of a possible lover.
Excitement and curiosity are created by knowing how
to tease a woman and play with the conversation, being
sure not to reveal too much. Again, most guys wear their
heart on their sleeves, and this seals their doom with
Remember: Women want men who are sensitive *to
them.* Not sensitive as in crying during movies and being
over-emotional. A lack of emotional control is not a
masculine trait.
One of the most important rules in the guide to understanding
women is that excitement is how you get her attraction
Guide To Understanding Women - Secret Strategy 2: If
you can get a woman to talk about herself, she'll feel
like she's known you for years.
Women want to feel connected to you in order to get
more intimate with you. They do NOT need to have commitment,
however, which is a common mistake that many men make.
(And one that leads many men to believe that they need
to lie their way into a woman's bed, which is completely
incorrect - and damaging.)
Just get her talking about herself, and she will feel
more connected to you than any other guy that she meets.
Why? Because almost no other guys know how to listen
to her to make her feel heard!
She needs to sense that
you genuinely hear her - and understand her. When she
does, she'll be yours.
And this is one strategy from the guide to understanding
women that you must use carefully.
A lot of guys go too
far with the "listen to her talk" routine and
wind up in the friends only zone with a woman. Sure,
HE thinks he was just doing what she wanted, and she
does, too. But the reality is that if you let her talk
too much, you'll lose control - and her attraction.
So be aware and cautious of how this strategy can trip
you up, as well.
Guide To Understanding Women - Secret Strategy 3: Test
for compliance.
One of the most important indicators of a woman's attraction
and desire for you is how willing she is to follow your
lead. Again, a common mistake is that many guys will
just go along with her requests, and this actually destroys
her feelings of attraction for you more than anything.
A woman instinctually knows that any man that follows
her lead would not be independent and secure enough to
keep her feeling safe - emotionally or physically.
Every so often, you need to test her willingness to
do what you ask. Make small requests.
For example, you
might ask her to hold your drink while you neaten your
shirt. Or tell her that she looks totally cute, and then
have her turn around for you so you can take it all in.
These small acts of compliance on her part are all stacked
up to subconsciously get your girl thinking about you
as her protector, and her leader. If she knows you can
forge the path forward, she will feel safe. And if she
feels safe, she will trust you - and allow herself to
get more emotionally and physically involved with you.
These three tips from the guide to understanding
women will help you get more attraction and
connection with any woman, and do it in the best way
And if you want to get the complete roadmap of how to
go from home alone to how to meet and attract the sexy
girlfriend of your dreams, then you need to learn how
to talk to women with my home study program.
It's fast, easy, and guaranteed to get you from no women
to wherever you want to be in just a few weeks.
as many women as you want - for as long as YOU want.
It's up to you...
Go download your copy here: How
to Talk To Women - FAST & EASY
Talk soon...
Wishing you confidence
and success with women - With HONOR and

PS: You might
be reading this right now, just happy to be entertained with the information
I'm sharing. But I want more than this for you.
I want you to get REAL results with women.
pretending everything is "fine."
Stop walking away from situations that make you nervous
- like approaching a woman, or asking her out.
letting the outside world stop you from being the
man you want to be...
Really, the time for denial and mediocrity is over.
Make a decision that today is the day things will change
forever for you.
Go here now and learn how to make that change:
HERE: How to Talk To Women