How To Seduce A Woman

The Three BIG Mistakes Men Make When Trying To Seduce A Woman
Carlos Xuma, the author of the ultimate program for talking with women

Let's get one thing straight right away: All relationships with women start with the "seduction." When you first meet a woman, either she will be seduced, or you will.

The one who is being seduced is the one under the spell of the other one.

Which one do you want to be?

But when it comes to learning how to seduce a woman, there are some traps you must avoid. I want to explain the 3 BIG mistakes guys make when they want to master how to seduce a woman.

How To Seduce A Woman - Mistake 1: Trying To Be Too Nice.

You're talking to a woman you just met, and she asks you to watch her purse and her drink while she goes to the bathroom. You smile and tell her, sure, no problem.

Ever done this? I hate to be the one to break it to you, but this is an example of a BIG mistake.

Let's face it - when you meet a woman, you want her approval. No one likes rejection, right? So when she asks you to do her a favor, you think that this is your opportunity to generate some positive mojo with her by "being nice."

But the problem is that this does NOT make her more attracted to you. In fact, in most cases actually, being nice like this will KILL attraction and turn her off.

I'm sure you've fallen victim to this at some point or another in your life, where you tried to be more agreeable, more laid back, more NICE...

And what did it get you? Probably a big pile of "no girlfriend."

Another way that guys mess this one up is they let the woman make the decision. In other words, you let her make the choice of where to go or what to do, because you want to be sure it's something she wants. The problem is that a woman doesn't want to make the choice. It's up to the MAN.

The instant solution to this is simple: Tease and challenge her more, and be sure to take the lead.

In that situation I gave you where she asked you "Will you watch my purse?"

What you should have said was: "I dunno. What's in it for me?" (With an evil smirk.)

Even better would be if she made a comment about needing to go "powder her nose," and you say: "Look, I know you're going to ask me to watch your purse and your drink while you're gone. Well, I might drink your drink as compensation for purse watching duty. And I might just check out what you got in there while you're gone. Cool?" (Evil smirk #2.)

Now THAT's what starts attraction. Not laying on the Nice Guy right off the bat.

How To Seduce A Woman - Mistake 2: Talking about your feelings with her.

This is one that often confuses guys. We think that since women are very emotion-centric, we should feel comfortable talking about our feelings with her - especially when they are feelings we have FOR her.

In fact, this one mistake is the primary cause of "Friend-itis" - the horrible disease where women don't get attracted or sexually interested in you. It's usually brought home when you hear her say something like: "I just don't think of you that way."

There is nothing more "yucky" to a woman than having a guy talk about how much he likes and feels for a woman before she's had a chance to develop those feelings for him.

And the only way a woman will ever feel those feelings is for you to HIDE yours from her for the first several dates you have with her.

That's right. HIDE THEM.

I'm sure there's a bunch of touchy-feely nonsense books out there that have confused guys into doing the opposite, but you have to know the truth.

Women don't feel attraction towards you because you feel attracted to her. She feels attracted to you because she 1) isn't sure if you're interested in her, and 2) you're fun enough that she wants to be around you.

How To Seduce A Woman - Mistake 3: Thinking it's better to do *nothing* than make a mistake.

This one is tricky when you first read it, but let me explain...

Most guys fall into a default mode where they decide that instead of taking the chance of making a mistake, it's better to do NOTHING instead.

Here's an example: Going for a kiss.

When you're on a date with a woman and you reach that point in the night where it makes sense to kiss her, a lot of guys chicken out if they haven't gotten any signals from her to keep going. And this is the worst mistake possible.

In fact: NOT kissing a woman on a date is often MUCH worse than kissing her at the wrong moment.

Why? Because a woman is waiting for the "Big Moment" of the night, which is usually the kiss. If she doesn't get her "Big Moment," there's going to be a little alarm going off in her head that makes her wonder why we didn't man-up and do what was necessary.

You ever hear of the saying: "You gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette"? This is the same thing.

The most important reason that doing nothing is worse, is this: Women expect ACTION from a man. If you don't take the lead in moving things forward, she's going to wonder if you could act when the stakes are even higher later on.

So when you're on a date and you're tempted to NOT do something you know you should do - like touch her on the arm, or go for the kiss, or choose the movie, or whatever - remember: she's counting on you to do SOMETHING, and that's almost always better than NOTHING when you're trying to seduce a woman.

Let me ask you something: Have you tried to be the Nice Guy - the kind of man that women SAY they want - but you found out the hard way that women don't really want "nice"?

You know that women SHOULD be knocking down your door because of how well you'd treat them and all the great things you do for them, but you get no results - just frustration - and nowhere near the kind of sexual satisfaction you deserve.

If you want to learn the essential skills of how to be the Alpha Man that women want, I've got something you need to see.

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It's up to you...

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Talk soon...

Wishing you confidence and success with women - With HONOR and integrity.

Carlos Xuma - signature

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